
Mit dem java-Archiv sortDemo.jar in diesem Verzeichnis können Sie die Arbeitsweise von Sortieralgorithmen nachvollziehen; siehe auch die Lehre zu Algorithmen (IAD).
Die Java-Quellen — ursprünglich von James Gosling und Jason Harrison und modifiziert von A. Weinert — stehen ggf. zur Verfügung.
Alle Quellen sind im Vergleich mit dem reinen Applet-Original von 1995 (Gosling) schon 2005 sehr stark modifiziert worden. Sie liefen als Applet und Applikation. Inzwischen sind Applets (durch Oracle ab 2015) so tot, dass 2017 die Applet-Implementierung aufgegeben wurde.

Zwar wurden noch 2014 die seit einigen Jahren von SUN/Oracle am Laufen gehinderten Applets gemäß Oracle's aktuellen Sicherheitsanforderungen ertüchtigt. 2015 machte Google wohl seine Drohung wahr, Applets etc. mit seinen Browsern gar nicht mehr laufen zu lassen. Außerdem wurden die Bedingungen für Applets, aber auch für Web-Start, ständig geändert bzw. verschärft. Ergo, wie gesagt, Aufgabe dieses Ansatzes.

Start als Anwendung:
  java[w][.exe] -jar sortDemo.jar QuickSort
bzw. mit
java -jar <whereItWasDownloadedTo>sortDemo.jar [nameOfAlgorithm]
laufen, mit: BidirectionalBubbleSort, FastQSort, QuickSort, ShellSort, BubbleSort, QubbleSort, CombSort11, HeapSort, RadixSort, EQSort, InsertionSort, SelectionSort, ExtraStorageMergeSort, MergeSort, ShakerSort.

  javac -d .\build de\meva_lab\sortDemo\*.java
  jar cfm .\build\sortDemo.jar .\de\meva_lab\sortDemo\ -C build de\meva_lab\sortDemo\

Sie können eigene Sortieralgorithmen als Erweiterung von de.meva_lab.sortDemos.SortApp.SortAlgorithm schreiben, indem Sie die Methode void sort(int[]) implementieren.

Das Folgende ist weitgehend James Goslings Originalbeschreibung von 1996.
The following is mostly James Gosling's original 1996 Applet documentation.

We all know that Quicksort is one of the fastest algorithms for sorting. It's not often, however, that we get a chance to see exactly how fast Quicksort really is. The following Applets chart the progress of several common sorting algorithms while sorting an array of data using in-place algorithms. This means that the algorithms do not allocate additional storage to hold temporary results: they sort the data in place. (This is inspired by the algorithm animation work at Brown University and the video Sorting out Sorting by Ronald Baecker from the University of Toronto circa 1970.)

Some of these sorts are very stupid or very slow and should not be used in code. The use of Bubblesort is deprecated.

In-Place Mergesort is yet another abomination. Mergesort is supposed to run in O(n log n), but the implementation here runs in O(n * n). This is because a temporary scratch array is not used. As with most of the examples here, In-Place Mergesort sorts the elements in the array without using additional storage (other than the stack used for the recursive calls, and temporary variables). Jack Snoeyink has provided me with a the Double Storage Mergesort algorithm sort implementation that uses a scratch array.

Here James Gosling placed all demos as Applets, which will not work any more. What's missing ... If you'd like to code any of those algorithms, please do and send me the code.

Metrics to be added (done by A. Weinert, counting just "steps"): One of my favourite references to sorting routines is "Sorting" by William A. Martin, in ACM Computing Surveys, Volume 3, Number 4, December 1971, pages 147-174. The abstract reads:
The bibliography appearing at the end of this article lists 37 sorting algorithms and 100 books and papers on sorting published in the last 20 years. The ideas presented here have been abstracted from this body of work, and the best algorithms known are given as examples. As the algorithms are explained, references to related algorithms and mathematical or experimental analyses are given. Suggestions are then made for choosing the algorithm best suited to a given situation.

Disclaimer: If you use this page as part of your teaching, please let me know. I tend to refer students who ask too many questions back to their instructor. Requests for translations of the Java sources to other programming languages will be denied. This page was created in a fit of "thesis avoidance" in the summer of 1996.
James Gosling

Originally created by
Revision: $Revision : 12 $ ($Date: 2022-05-14 21:52:01 +0200 (Sa, 14 Mai 2022) $)