Package com.itextpdf.text.html.simpleparser

Interface Summary
HTMLTagProcessor Deprecated.  
ImageProcessor Implement this interface to process images and to indicate if the image needs to be added or skipped.
LinkProcessor Allows you to do additional processing on a Paragraph that contains a link.

Class Summary
CellWrapper We use a CellWrapper because we need some extra info that isn't available in PdfPCell.
ChainedProperties Stores the hierarchy of tags along with the attributes of each tag.
ElementFactory Factory that produces iText Element objects, based on tags and their properties.
HTMLTagProcessors Deprecated.  
HTMLWorker Deprecated. please switch to XML Worker instead (this is a separate project)
StyleSheet Old class to define styles for HTMLWorker.
TableWrapper We use a TableWrapper because PdfPTable is rather complex to put on the HTMLWorker stack.

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