Package com.itextpdf.text

Interface Summary
DocListener A class that implements DocListener will perform some actions when some actions are performed on a Document.
Element Interface for a text element.
ElementListener A class that implements ElementListener will perform some actions when an Element is added.
FontProvider These two methods are used by FactoryProperties (for HTMLWorker).
LargeElement Interface implemented by Element objects that can potentially consume a lot of memory.
SplitCharacter Interface for customizing the split character.
TextElementArray Interface for a text element to which other objects can be added.

Class Summary
Anchor An Anchor can be a reference or a destination of a reference.
Annotation An Annotation is a little note that can be added to a page on a document.
Chapter A Chapter is a special Section.
ChapterAutoNumber Chapter with auto numbering.
Chunk This is the smallest significant part of text that can be added to a document.
Document A generic Document class.
DocWriter An abstract Writer class for documents.
Font Contains all the specifications of a font: fontfamily, size, style and color.
FontFactory If you are using True Type fonts, you can declare the paths of the different ttf- and ttc-files to this static class first and then create fonts in your code using one of the static getFont-method without having to enter a path as parameter.
FontFactoryImp If you are using True Type fonts, you can declare the paths of the different ttf- and ttc-files to this class first and then create fonts in your code using one of the getFont method without having to enter a path as parameter.
GreekList A special-version of LIST which use greek-letters.
Header This is an Element that contains some user defined meta information about the document.
Image An Image is the representation of a graphic element (JPEG, PNG or GIF) that has to be inserted into the document
ImgCCITT CCITT Image data that has to be inserted into the document
ImgJBIG2 Support for JBIG2 images.
ImgRaw Raw Image data that has to be inserted into the document
ImgTemplate PdfTemplate that has to be inserted into the document
ImgWMF An ImgWMF is the representation of a windows metafile that has to be inserted into the document
Jpeg An Jpeg is the representation of a graphic element (JPEG) that has to be inserted into the document
Jpeg2000 An Jpeg2000 is the representation of a graphic element (JPEG) that has to be inserted into the document
List A List contains several ListItems.
ListItem A ListItem is a Paragraph that can be added to a List.
MarkedObject Wrapper that allows to add properties to 'basic building block' objects.
MarkedSection Wrapper that allows to add properties to a Chapter/Section object.
Meta This is an Element that contains some meta information about the document.
PageSize The PageSize-object contains a number of rectangles representing the most common paper sizes.
Paragraph A Paragraph is a series of Chunks and/or Phrases.
Phrase A Phrase is a series of Chunks.
Rectangle A Rectangle is the representation of a geometric figure.
RectangleReadOnly A RectangleReadOnly is the representation of a geometric figure.
RomanList A special-version of LIST which use roman-letters.
Section A Section is a part of a Document containing other Sections, Paragraphs, List and/or Tables.
SpecialSymbol This class contains the symbols that correspond with special symbols.
Utilities A collection of convenience methods that were present in many different iText classes.
Version This class contains version information about iText.
WritableDirectElement An element that is not an element, it holds Element.WRITABLE_DIRECT as Element type.
ZapfDingbatsList A special-version of LIST which use zapfdingbats-letters.
ZapfDingbatsNumberList A special-version of LIST which use zapfdingbats-numbers (1..10).

Enum Summary
Font.FontFamily Enum describing the font family
Font.FontStyle FontStyle.

Exception Summary
BadElementException Signals an attempt to create an Element that hasn't got the right form.
DocumentException Signals that an error has occurred in a Document.
ExceptionConverter The ExceptionConverter changes a checked exception into an unchecked exception.

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