Class BaseFont

  extended by com.itextpdf.text.pdf.BaseFont
Direct Known Subclasses:
DocumentFont, Type3Font

public abstract class BaseFont
extends Object

Base class for the several font types supported

Paulo Soares

Field Summary
static int ASCENT
          The maximum height above the baseline reached by glyphs in this font, excluding the height of glyphs for accented characters.
static int AWT_ASCENT
          AWT Font property
static int AWT_DESCENT
          AWT Font property
static int AWT_LEADING
          AWT Font property
          AWT Font property
static int BBOXLLX
          The lower left x glyph coordinate.
static int BBOXLLY
          The lower left y glyph coordinate.
static int BBOXURX
          The upper right x glyph coordinate.
static int BBOXURY
          The upper right y glyph coordinate.
protected static HashMap<String,PdfName> BuiltinFonts14
          list of the 14 built in fonts.
static boolean CACHED
          if the font has to be cached
static int CAPHEIGHT
          The y coordinate of the top of flat capital letters, measured from the baseline.
static int[] CHAR_RANGE_ARABIC
static int[] CHAR_RANGE_HEBREW
static int[] CHAR_RANGE_LATIN
protected  int[][] charBBoxes
static char CID_NEWLINE
          The fake CID code that represents a newline.
protected  int compressionLevel
          The compression level for the font stream.
static String COURIER
          This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font
static String COURIER_BOLD
          This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font
          This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font
          This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font
static String CP1250
          A possible encoding.
static String CP1252
          A possible encoding.
static String CP1257
          A possible encoding.
static int DESCENT
          The maximum depth below the baseline reached by glyphs in this font.
protected  String[] differences
          encoding names
protected  boolean directTextToByte
          Converts char directly to byte by casting.
protected  boolean embedded
          true if the font is to be embedded in the PDF
static boolean EMBEDDED
          if the font has to be embedded
protected  String encoding
          encoding used with this font
protected  boolean fastWinansi
static int FONT_TYPE_CJK
          The font is CJK.
          A font already inside the document.
static int FONT_TYPE_T1
          The font is Type 1.
static int FONT_TYPE_T3
          A Type3 font.
static int FONT_TYPE_TT
          The font is True Type with a standard encoding.
static int FONT_TYPE_TTUNI
          The font is True Type with a Unicode encoding.
static int FONT_WEIGHT
          The entry of PDF FontDescriptor dictionary.
protected static HashMap<String,BaseFont> fontCache
          cache for the fonts already used.
protected  boolean fontSpecific
          true if the font must use its built in encoding.
protected  boolean forceWidthsOutput
          Forces the output of the width array.
static String HELVETICA
          This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font
static String HELVETICA_BOLD
          This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font
          This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font
          This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font
static String IDENTITY_H
          The Unicode encoding with horizontal writing.
static String IDENTITY_V
          The Unicode encoding with vertical writing.
static int ITALICANGLE
          The angle, expressed in degrees counterclockwise from the vertical, of the dominant vertical strokes of the font.
static String MACROMAN
          A possible encoding.
static boolean NOT_CACHED
          if the font doesn't have to be cached
static boolean NOT_EMBEDDED
          if the font doesn't have to be embedded
static String notdef
          a not defined character in a custom PDF encoding
static String RESOURCE_PATH
          The path to the font resources.
protected  IntHashtable specialMap
          Custom encodings use this map to key the Unicode character to the single byte code.
          The strikethrough position.
          The strikethrough thickness.
          The recommended vertical offset from the baseline for subscripts for this font.
          The recommended vertical size for subscripts for this font.
protected  boolean subset
          Indicates if all the glyphs and widths for that particular encoding should be included in the document.
protected  ArrayList<int[]> subsetRanges
          The recommended vertical offset from the baseline for superscripts for this font.
          The recommended vertical size for superscripts for this font.
static String SYMBOL
          This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font
static String TIMES_BOLD
          This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font
          This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font
static String TIMES_ITALIC
          This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font
static String TIMES_ROMAN
          This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font
          The underline position.
          The underline thickness.
protected  char[] unicodeDifferences
          same as differences but with the unicode codes
protected  boolean vertical
static int WEIGHT_CLASS
          The weight class of the font, as defined by the font author
static int WIDTH_CLASS
          The width class of the font, as defined by the font author
protected  int[] widths
          table of characters widths for this encoding
static String WINANSI
          A possible encoding.
static String ZAPFDINGBATS
          This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font
Constructor Summary
protected BaseFont()
          Creates new BaseFont
Method Summary
 void addSubsetRange(int[] range)
          Adds a character range when subsetting.
 boolean charExists(int c)
          Checks if a character exists in this font.
 byte[] convertToBytes(String text)
          Converts a String to a byte array according to the font's encoding.
 void correctArabicAdvance()
          iText expects Arabic Diactrics (tashkeel) to have zero advance but some fonts, most notably those that come with Windows, like times.ttf, have non-zero advance for those characters.
protected  void createEncoding()
          Creates the widths and the differences arrays
static BaseFont createFont()
          Creates a new font.
static BaseFont createFont(PRIndirectReference fontRef)
          Creates a font based on an existing document font.
static BaseFont createFont(String name, String encoding, boolean embedded)
          Creates a new font.
static BaseFont createFont(String name, String encoding, boolean embedded, boolean forceRead)
          Creates a new font.
static BaseFont createFont(String name, String encoding, boolean embedded, boolean cached, byte[] ttfAfm, byte[] pfb)
          Creates a new font.
static BaseFont createFont(String name, String encoding, boolean embedded, boolean cached, byte[] ttfAfm, byte[] pfb, boolean noThrow)
          Creates a new font.
static BaseFont createFont(String name, String encoding, boolean embedded, boolean cached, byte[] ttfAfm, byte[] pfb, boolean noThrow, boolean forceRead)
          Creates a new font.
static String createSubsetPrefix()
          Creates a unique subset prefix to be added to the font name when the font is embedded and subset.
static String[] enumerateTTCNames(byte[] ttcArray)
          Enumerates the postscript font names present inside a True Type Collection.
static String[] enumerateTTCNames(String ttcFile)
          Enumerates the postscript font names present inside a True Type Collection.
static Object[] getAllFontNames(String name, String encoding, byte[] ttfAfm)
          Gets all the names from the font.
abstract  String[][] getAllNameEntries()
          Gets all the entries of the names-table.
static String[][] getAllNameEntries(String name, String encoding, byte[] ttfAfm)
          Gets all the entries of the namestable from the font.
 int getAscent(String text)
          Gets the ascent of a String in normalized 1000 units.
 float getAscentPoint(String text, float fontSize)
          Gets the ascent of a String in points.
protected static String getBaseName(String name)
          Gets the name without the modifiers Bold, Italic or BoldItalic.
 int[] getCharBBox(int c)
          Gets the smallest box enclosing the character contours.
 int getCidCode(int c)
          Gets the CID code given an Unicode.
 String[] getCodePagesSupported()
          Gets the code pages supported by the font.
 int getCompressionLevel()
          Returns the compression level used for the font streams.
 int getDescent(String text)
          Gets the descent of a String in normalized 1000 units.
 float getDescentPoint(String text, float fontSize)
          Gets the descent of a String in points.
 String[] getDifferences()
          Gets the array with the names of the characters.
static ArrayList<Object[]> getDocumentFonts(PdfReader reader)
          Gets a list of all document fonts.
static ArrayList<Object[]> getDocumentFonts(PdfReader reader, int page)
          Gets a list of the document fonts in a particular page.
 String getEncoding()
          Gets the encoding used to convert String into byte[].
abstract  String[][] getFamilyFontName()
          Gets the family name of the font.
abstract  float getFontDescriptor(int key, float fontSize)
          Gets the font parameter identified by key.
 int getFontType()
          Gets the font type.
abstract  String[][] getFullFontName()
          Gets the full name of the font.
static String[][] getFullFontName(String name, String encoding, byte[] ttfAfm)
          Gets the full name of the font.
abstract  int getKerning(int char1, int char2)
          Gets the kerning between two Unicode chars.
abstract  String getPostscriptFontName()
          Gets the postscript font name.
protected abstract  int[] getRawCharBBox(int c, String name)
 char[] getUnicodeDifferences()
          Gets the array with the unicode characters.
 int getUnicodeEquivalent(int c)
          Gets the Unicode equivalent to a CID.
 int getWidth(int char1)
          Gets the width of a char in normalized 1000 units.
 int getWidth(String text)
          Gets the width of a String in normalized 1000 units.
 float getWidthPoint(int char1, float fontSize)
          Gets the width of a char in points.
 float getWidthPoint(String text, float fontSize)
          Gets the width of a String in points.
 float getWidthPointKerned(String text, float fontSize)
          Gets the width of a String in points taking kerning into account.
 int[] getWidths()
          Gets the font width array.
abstract  boolean hasKernPairs()
          Checks if the font has any kerning pairs.
 boolean isDirectTextToByte()
          Gets the direct conversion of char to byte.
 boolean isEmbedded()
          Gets the embedded flag.
 boolean isFontSpecific()
          Gets the symbolic flag of the font.
 boolean isForceWidthsOutput()
          Gets the state of the property.
 boolean isSubset()
          Indicates if all the glyphs and widths for that particular encoding should be included in the document.
 boolean isVertical()
          Indicates whether the font is used for verticl writing or not.
protected static String normalizeEncoding(String enc)
          Normalize the encoding names.
 boolean setCharAdvance(int c, int advance)
          Sets the character advance.
 void setCompressionLevel(int compressionLevel)
          Sets the compression level to be used for the font streams.
 void setDirectTextToByte(boolean directTextToByte)
          Sets the conversion of char directly to byte by casting.
 void setFontDescriptor(int key, float value)
          Sets the font parameter identified by key.
 void setForceWidthsOutput(boolean forceWidthsOutput)
          Set to true to force the generation of the widths array.
abstract  boolean setKerning(int char1, int char2, int kern)
          Sets the kerning between two Unicode chars.
abstract  void setPostscriptFontName(String name)
          Sets the font name that will appear in the pdf font dictionary.
 void setSubset(boolean subset)
          Indicates if all the glyphs and widths for that particular encoding should be included in the document.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String COURIER
This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String COURIER_BOLD
This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String COURIER_OBLIQUE
This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String COURIER_BOLDOBLIQUE
This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String HELVETICA
This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String HELVETICA_BOLD
This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String HELVETICA_OBLIQUE
This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String HELVETICA_BOLDOBLIQUE
This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String SYMBOL
This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String TIMES_ROMAN
This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String TIMES_BOLD
This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String TIMES_ITALIC
This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String TIMES_BOLDITALIC
This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String ZAPFDINGBATS
This is a possible value of a base 14 type 1 font

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ASCENT
The maximum height above the baseline reached by glyphs in this font, excluding the height of glyphs for accented characters.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CAPHEIGHT
The y coordinate of the top of flat capital letters, measured from the baseline.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DESCENT
The maximum depth below the baseline reached by glyphs in this font. The value is a negative number.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ITALICANGLE
The angle, expressed in degrees counterclockwise from the vertical, of the dominant vertical strokes of the font. The value is negative for fonts that slope to the right, as almost all italic fonts do.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int BBOXLLX
The lower left x glyph coordinate.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int BBOXLLY
The lower left y glyph coordinate.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int BBOXURX
The upper right x glyph coordinate.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int BBOXURY
The upper right y glyph coordinate.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AWT_ASCENT
AWT Font property

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AWT_DESCENT
AWT Font property

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AWT_LEADING
AWT Font property

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AWT_MAXADVANCE
AWT Font property

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int UNDERLINE_POSITION
The underline position. Usually a negative value.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int UNDERLINE_THICKNESS
The underline thickness.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STRIKETHROUGH_POSITION
The strikethrough position.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STRIKETHROUGH_THICKNESS
The strikethrough thickness.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SUBSCRIPT_SIZE
The recommended vertical size for subscripts for this font.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SUBSCRIPT_OFFSET
The recommended vertical offset from the baseline for subscripts for this font. Usually a negative value.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SUPERSCRIPT_SIZE
The recommended vertical size for superscripts for this font.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SUPERSCRIPT_OFFSET
The recommended vertical offset from the baseline for superscripts for this font.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int WEIGHT_CLASS
The weight class of the font, as defined by the font author

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int WIDTH_CLASS
The width class of the font, as defined by the font author

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FONT_WEIGHT
The entry of PDF FontDescriptor dictionary. (Optional; PDF 1.5; strongly recommended for Type 3 fonts in Tagged PDF documents) The weight (thickness) component of the fully-qualified font name or font specifier. A value larger than 500 indicates bold font-weight.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FONT_TYPE_T1
The font is Type 1.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FONT_TYPE_TT
The font is True Type with a standard encoding.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FONT_TYPE_CJK
The font is CJK.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FONT_TYPE_TTUNI
The font is True Type with a Unicode encoding.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FONT_TYPE_DOCUMENT
A font already inside the document.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FONT_TYPE_T3
A Type3 font.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String IDENTITY_H
The Unicode encoding with horizontal writing.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String IDENTITY_V
The Unicode encoding with vertical writing.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String CP1250
A possible encoding.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String CP1252
A possible encoding.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String CP1257
A possible encoding.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String WINANSI
A possible encoding.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String MACROMAN
A possible encoding.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int[] CHAR_RANGE_LATIN


public static final int[] CHAR_RANGE_ARABIC


public static final int[] CHAR_RANGE_HEBREW


public static final int[] CHAR_RANGE_CYRILLIC


public static final boolean EMBEDDED
if the font has to be embedded

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final boolean NOT_EMBEDDED
if the font doesn't have to be embedded

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final boolean CACHED
if the font has to be cached

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final boolean NOT_CACHED
if the font doesn't have to be cached

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String RESOURCE_PATH
The path to the font resources.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final char CID_NEWLINE
The fake CID code that represents a newline.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected ArrayList<int[]> subsetRanges


public static final String notdef
a not defined character in a custom PDF encoding

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected int[] widths
table of characters widths for this encoding


protected String[] differences
encoding names


protected char[] unicodeDifferences
same as differences but with the unicode codes


protected int[][] charBBoxes


protected String encoding
encoding used with this font


protected boolean embedded
true if the font is to be embedded in the PDF


protected int compressionLevel
The compression level for the font stream.



protected boolean fontSpecific
true if the font must use its built in encoding. In that case the encoding is only used to map a char to the position inside the font, not to the expected char name.


protected static HashMap<String,BaseFont> fontCache
cache for the fonts already used.


protected static final HashMap<String,PdfName> BuiltinFonts14
list of the 14 built in fonts.


protected boolean forceWidthsOutput
Forces the output of the width array. Only matters for the 14 built-in fonts.


protected boolean directTextToByte
Converts char directly to byte by casting.


protected boolean subset
Indicates if all the glyphs and widths for that particular encoding should be included in the document.


protected boolean fastWinansi


protected IntHashtable specialMap
Custom encodings use this map to key the Unicode character to the single byte code.


protected boolean vertical
Constructor Detail


protected BaseFont()
Creates new BaseFont

Method Detail


public static BaseFont createFont()
                           throws DocumentException,
Creates a new font. This will always be the default Helvetica font (not embedded). This method is introduced because Helvetica is used in many examples.

a BaseFont object (Helvetica, Winansi, not embedded)
IOException - This shouldn't occur ever
DocumentException - This shouldn't occur ever


public static BaseFont createFont(String name,
                                  String encoding,
                                  boolean embedded)
                           throws DocumentException,
Creates a new font. This font can be one of the 14 built in types, a Type1 font referred to by an AFM or PFM file, a TrueType font (simple or collection) or a CJK font from the Adobe Asian Font Pack. TrueType fonts and CJK fonts can have an optional style modifier appended to the name. These modifiers are: Bold, Italic and BoldItalic. An example would be "STSong-Light,Bold". Note that this modifiers do not work if the font is embedded. Fonts in TrueType collections are addressed by index such as "msgothic.ttc,1". This would get the second font (indexes start at 0), in this case "MS PGothic".

The fonts are cached and if they already exist they are extracted from the cache, not parsed again.

Besides the common encodings described by name, custom encodings can also be made. These encodings will only work for the single byte fonts Type1 and TrueType. The encoding string starts with a '#' followed by "simple" or "full". If "simple" there is a decimal for the first character position and then a list of hex values representing the Unicode codes that compose that encoding.
The "simple" encoding is recommended for TrueType fonts as the "full" encoding risks not matching the character with the right glyph if not done with care.
The "full" encoding is specially aimed at Type1 fonts where the glyphs have to be described by non standard names like the Tex math fonts. Each group of three elements compose a code position: the one byte code order in decimal or as 'x' (x cannot be the space), the name and the Unicode character used to access the glyph. The space must be assigned to character position 32 otherwise text justification will not work.

Example for a "simple" encoding that includes the Unicode character space, A, B and ecyrillic:

 "# simple 32 0020 0041 0042 0454"

Example for a "full" encoding for a Type1 Tex font:

 "# full 'A' nottriangeqlleft 0041 'B' dividemultiply 0042 32 space 0020"

This method calls:

 createFont(name, encoding, embedded, true, null, null);

name - the name of the font or its location on file
encoding - the encoding to be applied to this font
embedded - true if the font is to be embedded in the PDF
returns a new font. This font may come from the cache
DocumentException - the font is invalid
IOException - the font file could not be read


public static BaseFont createFont(String name,
                                  String encoding,
                                  boolean embedded,
                                  boolean forceRead)
                           throws DocumentException,
Creates a new font. This font can be one of the 14 built in types, a Type1 font referred to by an AFM or PFM file, a TrueType font (simple or collection) or a CJK font from the Adobe Asian Font Pack. TrueType fonts and CJK fonts can have an optional style modifier appended to the name. These modifiers are: Bold, Italic and BoldItalic. An example would be "STSong-Light,Bold". Note that this modifiers do not work if the font is embedded. Fonts in TrueType collections are addressed by index such as "msgothic.ttc,1". This would get the second font (indexes start at 0), in this case "MS PGothic".

The fonts are cached and if they already exist they are extracted from the cache, not parsed again.

Besides the common encodings described by name, custom encodings can also be made. These encodings will only work for the single byte fonts Type1 and TrueType. The encoding string starts with a '#' followed by "simple" or "full". If "simple" there is a decimal for the first character position and then a list of hex values representing the Unicode codes that compose that encoding.
The "simple" encoding is recommended for TrueType fonts as the "full" encoding risks not matching the character with the right glyph if not done with care.
The "full" encoding is specially aimed at Type1 fonts where the glyphs have to be described by non standard names like the Tex math fonts. Each group of three elements compose a code position: the one byte code order in decimal or as 'x' (x cannot be the space), the name and the Unicode character used to access the glyph. The space must be assigned to character position 32 otherwise text justification will not work.

Example for a "simple" encoding that includes the Unicode character space, A, B and ecyrillic:

 "# simple 32 0020 0041 0042 0454"

Example for a "full" encoding for a Type1 Tex font:

 "# full 'A' nottriangeqlleft 0041 'B' dividemultiply 0042 32 space 0020"

This method calls:

 createFont(name, encoding, embedded, true, null, null);

name - the name of the font or its location on file
encoding - the encoding to be applied to this font
embedded - true if the font is to be embedded in the PDF
forceRead - in some cases (TrueTypeFont, Type1Font), the full font file will be read and kept in memory if forceRead is true
returns a new font. This font may come from the cache
DocumentException - the font is invalid
IOException - the font file could not be read


public static BaseFont createFont(String name,
                                  String encoding,
                                  boolean embedded,
                                  boolean cached,
                                  byte[] ttfAfm,
                                  byte[] pfb)
                           throws DocumentException,
Creates a new font. This font can be one of the 14 built in types, a Type1 font referred to by an AFM or PFM file, a TrueType font (simple or collection) or a CJK font from the Adobe Asian Font Pack. TrueType fonts and CJK fonts can have an optional style modifier appended to the name. These modifiers are: Bold, Italic and BoldItalic. An example would be "STSong-Light,Bold". Note that this modifiers do not work if the font is embedded. Fonts in TrueType collections are addressed by index such as "msgothic.ttc,1". This would get the second font (indexes start at 0), in this case "MS PGothic".

The fonts may or may not be cached depending on the flag cached. If the byte arrays are present the font will be read from them instead of the name. A name is still required to identify the font type.

Besides the common encodings described by name, custom encodings can also be made. These encodings will only work for the single byte fonts Type1 and TrueType. The encoding string starts with a '#' followed by "simple" or "full". If "simple" there is a decimal for the first character position and then a list of hex values representing the Unicode codes that compose that encoding.
The "simple" encoding is recommended for TrueType fonts as the "full" encoding risks not matching the character with the right glyph if not done with care.
The "full" encoding is specially aimed at Type1 fonts where the glyphs have to be described by non standard names like the Tex math fonts. Each group of three elements compose a code position: the one byte code order in decimal or as 'x' (x cannot be the space), the name and the Unicode character used to access the glyph. The space must be assigned to character position 32 otherwise text justification will not work.

Example for a "simple" encoding that includes the Unicode character space, A, B and ecyrillic:

 "# simple 32 0020 0041 0042 0454"

Example for a "full" encoding for a Type1 Tex font:

 "# full 'A' nottriangeqlleft 0041 'B' dividemultiply 0042 32 space 0020"

name - the name of the font or its location on file
encoding - the encoding to be applied to this font
embedded - true if the font is to be embedded in the PDF
cached - true if the font comes from the cache or is added to the cache if new, false if the font is always created new
ttfAfm - the true type font or the afm in a byte array
pfb - the pfb in a byte array
returns a new font. This font may come from the cache but only if cached is true, otherwise it will always be created new
DocumentException - the font is invalid
IOException - the font file could not be read
iText 0.80


public static BaseFont createFont(String name,
                                  String encoding,
                                  boolean embedded,
                                  boolean cached,
                                  byte[] ttfAfm,
                                  byte[] pfb,
                                  boolean noThrow)
                           throws DocumentException,
Creates a new font. This font can be one of the 14 built in types, a Type1 font referred to by an AFM or PFM file, a TrueType font (simple or collection) or a CJK font from the Adobe Asian Font Pack. TrueType fonts and CJK fonts can have an optional style modifier appended to the name. These modifiers are: Bold, Italic and BoldItalic. An example would be "STSong-Light,Bold". Note that this modifiers do not work if the font is embedded. Fonts in TrueType collections are addressed by index such as "msgothic.ttc,1". This would get the second font (indexes start at 0), in this case "MS PGothic".

The fonts may or may not be cached depending on the flag cached. If the byte arrays are present the font will be read from them instead of the name. A name is still required to identify the font type.

Besides the common encodings described by name, custom encodings can also be made. These encodings will only work for the single byte fonts Type1 and TrueType. The encoding string starts with a '#' followed by "simple" or "full". If "simple" there is a decimal for the first character position and then a list of hex values representing the Unicode codes that compose that encoding.
The "simple" encoding is recommended for TrueType fonts as the "full" encoding risks not matching the character with the right glyph if not done with care.
The "full" encoding is specially aimed at Type1 fonts where the glyphs have to be described by non standard names like the Tex math fonts. Each group of three elements compose a code position: the one byte code order in decimal or as 'x' (x cannot be the space), the name and the Unicode character used to access the glyph. The space must be assigned to character position 32 otherwise text justification will not work.

Example for a "simple" encoding that includes the Unicode character space, A, B and ecyrillic:

 "# simple 32 0020 0041 0042 0454"

Example for a "full" encoding for a Type1 Tex font:

 "# full 'A' nottriangeqlleft 0041 'B' dividemultiply 0042 32 space 0020"

name - the name of the font or its location on file
encoding - the encoding to be applied to this font
embedded - true if the font is to be embedded in the PDF
cached - true if the font comes from the cache or is added to the cache if new, false if the font is always created new
ttfAfm - the true type font or the afm in a byte array
pfb - the pfb in a byte array
noThrow - if true will not throw an exception if the font is not recognized and will return null, if false will throw an exception if the font is not recognized. Note that even if true an exception may be thrown in some circumstances. This parameter is useful for FontFactory that may have to check many invalid font names before finding the right one
returns a new font. This font may come from the cache but only if cached is true, otherwise it will always be created new
DocumentException - the font is invalid
IOException - the font file could not be read


public static BaseFont createFont(String name,
                                  String encoding,
                                  boolean embedded,
                                  boolean cached,
                                  byte[] ttfAfm,
                                  byte[] pfb,
                                  boolean noThrow,
                                  boolean forceRead)
                           throws DocumentException,
Creates a new font. This font can be one of the 14 built in types, a Type1 font referred to by an AFM or PFM file, a TrueType font (simple or collection) or a CJK font from the Adobe Asian Font Pack. TrueType fonts and CJK fonts can have an optional style modifier appended to the name. These modifiers are: Bold, Italic and BoldItalic. An example would be "STSong-Light,Bold". Note that this modifiers do not work if the font is embedded. Fonts in TrueType collections are addressed by index such as "msgothic.ttc,1". This would get the second font (indexes start at 0), in this case "MS PGothic".

The fonts may or may not be cached depending on the flag cached. If the byte arrays are present the font will be read from them instead of the name. A name is still required to identify the font type.

Besides the common encodings described by name, custom encodings can also be made. These encodings will only work for the single byte fonts Type1 and TrueType. The encoding string starts with a '#' followed by "simple" or "full". If "simple" there is a decimal for the first character position and then a list of hex values representing the Unicode codes that compose that encoding.
The "simple" encoding is recommended for TrueType fonts as the "full" encoding risks not matching the character with the right glyph if not done with care.
The "full" encoding is specially aimed at Type1 fonts where the glyphs have to be described by non standard names like the Tex math fonts. Each group of three elements compose a code position: the one byte code order in decimal or as 'x' (x cannot be the space), the name and the Unicode character used to access the glyph. The space must be assigned to character position 32 otherwise text justification will not work.

Example for a "simple" encoding that includes the Unicode character space, A, B and ecyrillic:

 "# simple 32 0020 0041 0042 0454"

Example for a "full" encoding for a Type1 Tex font:

 "# full 'A' nottriangeqlleft 0041 'B' dividemultiply 0042 32 space 0020"

name - the name of the font or its location on file
encoding - the encoding to be applied to this font
embedded - true if the font is to be embedded in the PDF
cached - true if the font comes from the cache or is added to the cache if new, false if the font is always created new
ttfAfm - the true type font or the afm in a byte array
pfb - the pfb in a byte array
noThrow - if true will not throw an exception if the font is not recognized and will return null, if false will throw an exception if the font is not recognized. Note that even if true an exception may be thrown in some circumstances. This parameter is useful for FontFactory that may have to check many invalid font names before finding the right one
forceRead - in some cases (TrueTypeFont, Type1Font), the full font file will be read and kept in memory if forceRead is true
returns a new font. This font may come from the cache but only if cached is true, otherwise it will always be created new
DocumentException - the font is invalid
IOException - the font file could not be read


public static BaseFont createFont(PRIndirectReference fontRef)
Creates a font based on an existing document font. The created font font may not behave as expected, depending on the encoding or subset.

fontRef - the reference to the document font
the font


public boolean isVertical()
Indicates whether the font is used for verticl writing or not.

true if the writing mode is vertical for the given font, false otherwise.


protected static String getBaseName(String name)
Gets the name without the modifiers Bold, Italic or BoldItalic.

name - the full name of the font
the name without the modifiers Bold, Italic or BoldItalic


protected static String normalizeEncoding(String enc)
Normalize the encoding names. "winansi" is changed to "Cp1252" and "macroman" is changed to "MacRoman".

enc - the encoding to be normalized
the normalized encoding


protected void createEncoding()
Creates the widths and the differences arrays


public abstract int getKerning(int char1,
                               int char2)
Gets the kerning between two Unicode chars.

char1 - the first char
char2 - the second char
the kerning to be applied in normalized 1000 units


public abstract boolean setKerning(int char1,
                                   int char2,
                                   int kern)
Sets the kerning between two Unicode chars.

char1 - the first char
char2 - the second char
kern - the kerning to apply in normalized 1000 units
true if the kerning was applied, false otherwise


public int getWidth(int char1)
Gets the width of a char in normalized 1000 units.

char1 - the unicode char to get the width of
the width in normalized 1000 units


public int getWidth(String text)
Gets the width of a String in normalized 1000 units.

text - the String to get the width of
the width in normalized 1000 units


public int getDescent(String text)
Gets the descent of a String in normalized 1000 units. The descent will always be less than or equal to zero even if all the characters have an higher descent.

text - the String to get the descent of
the descent in normalized 1000 units


public int getAscent(String text)
Gets the ascent of a String in normalized 1000 units. The ascent will always be greater than or equal to zero even if all the characters have a lower ascent.

text - the String to get the ascent of
the ascent in normalized 1000 units


public float getDescentPoint(String text,
                             float fontSize)
Gets the descent of a String in points. The descent will always be less than or equal to zero even if all the characters have an higher descent.

text - the String to get the descent of
fontSize - the size of the font
the descent in points


public float getAscentPoint(String text,
                            float fontSize)
Gets the ascent of a String in points. The ascent will always be greater than or equal to zero even if all the characters have a lower ascent.

text - the String to get the ascent of
fontSize - the size of the font
the ascent in points


public float getWidthPointKerned(String text,
                                 float fontSize)
Gets the width of a String in points taking kerning into account.

text - the String to get the width of
fontSize - the font size
the width in points


public float getWidthPoint(String text,
                           float fontSize)
Gets the width of a String in points.

text - the String to get the width of
fontSize - the font size
the width in points


public float getWidthPoint(int char1,
                           float fontSize)
Gets the width of a char in points.

char1 - the char to get the width of
fontSize - the font size
the width in points


public byte[] convertToBytes(String text)
Converts a String to a byte array according to the font's encoding.

text - the String to be converted
an array of byte representing the conversion according to the font's encoding


public String getEncoding()
Gets the encoding used to convert String into byte[].

the encoding name


public abstract float getFontDescriptor(int key,
                                        float fontSize)
Gets the font parameter identified by key. Valid values for key are ASCENT, AWT_ASCENT, CAPHEIGHT, DESCENT, AWT_DESCENT, ITALICANGLE, BBOXLLX, BBOXLLY, BBOXURX and BBOXURY.

key - the parameter to be extracted
fontSize - the font size in points
the parameter in points


public void setFontDescriptor(int key,
                              float value)
Sets the font parameter identified by key. Valid values for key are ASCENT, AWT_ASCENT, CAPHEIGHT, DESCENT, AWT_DESCENT, ITALICANGLE, BBOXLLX, BBOXLLY, BBOXURX and BBOXURY.

key - the parameter to be updated
value - the parameter value


public int getFontType()
Gets the font type. The font types can be: FONT_TYPE_T1, FONT_TYPE_TT, FONT_TYPE_CJK and FONT_TYPE_TTUNI.

the font type


public boolean isEmbedded()
Gets the embedded flag.

true if the font is embedded.


public boolean isFontSpecific()
Gets the symbolic flag of the font.

true if the font is symbolic


public static String createSubsetPrefix()
Creates a unique subset prefix to be added to the font name when the font is embedded and subset.

the subset prefix


public abstract String getPostscriptFontName()
Gets the postscript font name.

the postscript font name


public abstract void setPostscriptFontName(String name)
Sets the font name that will appear in the pdf font dictionary. Use with care as it can easily make a font unreadable if not embedded.

name - the new font name


public abstract String[][] getFullFontName()
Gets the full name of the font. If it is a True Type font each array element will have {Platform ID, Platform Encoding ID, Language ID, font name}. The interpretation of this values can be found in the Open Type specification, chapter 2, in the 'name' table.
For the other fonts the array has a single element with {"", "", "", font name}.

the full name of the font


public abstract String[][] getAllNameEntries()
Gets all the entries of the names-table. If it is a True Type font each array element will have {Name ID, Platform ID, Platform Encoding ID, Language ID, font name}. The interpretation of this values can be found in the Open Type specification, chapter 2, in the 'name' table.
For the other fonts the array has a single element with {"4", "", "", "", font name}.

the full name of the font


public static String[][] getFullFontName(String name,
                                         String encoding,
                                         byte[] ttfAfm)
                                  throws DocumentException,
Gets the full name of the font. If it is a True Type font each array element will have {Platform ID, Platform Encoding ID, Language ID, font name}. The interpretation of this values can be found in the Open Type specification, chapter 2, in the 'name' table.
For the other fonts the array has a single element with {"", "", "", font name}.

name - the name of the font
encoding - the encoding of the font
ttfAfm - the true type font or the afm in a byte array
the full name of the font
DocumentException - on error
IOException - on error


public static Object[] getAllFontNames(String name,
                                       String encoding,
                                       byte[] ttfAfm)
                                throws DocumentException,
Gets all the names from the font. Only the required tables are read.

name - the name of the font
encoding - the encoding of the font
ttfAfm - the true type font or the afm in a byte array
an array of Object[] built with {getPostscriptFontName(), getFamilyFontName(), getFullFontName()}
DocumentException - on error
IOException - on error


public static String[][] getAllNameEntries(String name,
                                           String encoding,
                                           byte[] ttfAfm)
                                    throws DocumentException,
Gets all the entries of the namestable from the font. Only the required tables are read.

name - the name of the font
encoding - the encoding of the font
ttfAfm - the true type font or the afm in a byte array
an array of Object[] built with {getPostscriptFontName(), getFamilyFontName(), getFullFontName()}
DocumentException - on error
IOException - on error


public abstract String[][] getFamilyFontName()
Gets the family name of the font. If it is a True Type font each array element will have {Platform ID, Platform Encoding ID, Language ID, font name}. The interpretation of this values can be found in the Open Type specification, chapter 2, in the 'name' table.
For the other fonts the array has a single element with {"", "", "", font name}.

the family name of the font


public String[] getCodePagesSupported()
Gets the code pages supported by the font. This has only meaning with True Type fonts.

the code pages supported by the font


public static String[] enumerateTTCNames(String ttcFile)
                                  throws DocumentException,
Enumerates the postscript font names present inside a True Type Collection.

ttcFile - the file name of the font
the postscript font names
DocumentException - on error
IOException - on error


public static String[] enumerateTTCNames(byte[] ttcArray)
                                  throws DocumentException,
Enumerates the postscript font names present inside a True Type Collection.

ttcArray - the font as a byte array
the postscript font names
DocumentException - on error
IOException - on error


public int[] getWidths()
Gets the font width array.

the font width array


public String[] getDifferences()
Gets the array with the names of the characters.

the array with the names of the characters


public char[] getUnicodeDifferences()
Gets the array with the unicode characters.

the array with the unicode characters


public boolean isForceWidthsOutput()
Gets the state of the property.

value of property forceWidthsOutput


public void setForceWidthsOutput(boolean forceWidthsOutput)
Set to true to force the generation of the widths array.

forceWidthsOutput - true to force the generation of the widths array


public boolean isDirectTextToByte()
Gets the direct conversion of char to byte.

value of property directTextToByte.
See Also:
setDirectTextToByte(boolean directTextToByte)


public void setDirectTextToByte(boolean directTextToByte)
Sets the conversion of char directly to byte by casting. This is a low level feature to put the bytes directly in the content stream without passing through String.getBytes().

directTextToByte - New value of property directTextToByte.


public boolean isSubset()
Indicates if all the glyphs and widths for that particular encoding should be included in the document.

false to include all the glyphs and widths.


public void setSubset(boolean subset)
Indicates if all the glyphs and widths for that particular encoding should be included in the document. When set to true only the glyphs used will be included in the font. When set to false and addSubsetRange(int[]) was not called the full font will be included otherwise just the characters ranges will be included.

subset - new value of property subset


public int getUnicodeEquivalent(int c)
Gets the Unicode equivalent to a CID. The (inexistent) CID is translated as '\n'. It has only meaning with CJK fonts with Identity encoding.

c - the CID code
the Unicode equivalent


public int getCidCode(int c)
Gets the CID code given an Unicode. It has only meaning with CJK fonts.

c - the Unicode
the CID equivalent


public abstract boolean hasKernPairs()
Checks if the font has any kerning pairs.

true if the font has any kerning pairs


public boolean charExists(int c)
Checks if a character exists in this font.

c - the character to check
true if the character has a glyph, false otherwise


public boolean setCharAdvance(int c,
                              int advance)
Sets the character advance.

c - the character
advance - the character advance normalized to 1000 units
true if the advance was set, false otherwise


public static ArrayList<Object[]> getDocumentFonts(PdfReader reader)
Gets a list of all document fonts. Each element of the ArrayList contains a Object[]{String,PRIndirectReference} with the font name and the indirect reference to it.

reader - the document where the fonts are to be listed from
the list of fonts and references


public static ArrayList<Object[]> getDocumentFonts(PdfReader reader,
                                                   int page)
Gets a list of the document fonts in a particular page. Each element of the ArrayList contains a Object[]{String,PRIndirectReference} with the font name and the indirect reference to it.

reader - the document where the fonts are to be listed from
page - the page to list the fonts from
the list of fonts and references


public int[] getCharBBox(int c)
Gets the smallest box enclosing the character contours. It will return null if the font has not the information or the character has no contours, as in the case of the space, for example. Characters with no contours may also return [0,0,0,0].

c - the character to get the contour bounding box from
an array of four floats with the bounding box in the format [llx,lly,urx,ury] or null


protected abstract int[] getRawCharBBox(int c,
                                        String name)


public void correctArabicAdvance()
iText expects Arabic Diactrics (tashkeel) to have zero advance but some fonts, most notably those that come with Windows, like times.ttf, have non-zero advance for those characters. This method makes those character to have zero width advance and work correctly in the iText Arabic shaping and reordering context.


public void addSubsetRange(int[] range)
Adds a character range when subsetting. The range is an int array where the first element is the start range inclusive and the second element is the end range inclusive. Several ranges are allowed in the same array.

range - the character range


public int getCompressionLevel()
Returns the compression level used for the font streams.

the compression level (0 = best speed, 9 = best compression, -1 is default)


public void setCompressionLevel(int compressionLevel)
Sets the compression level to be used for the font streams.

compressionLevel - a value between 0 (best speed) and 9 (best compression)

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