
Interface Summary
CrlClient Interface that needs to be implemented if you want to embed Certificate Revocation Lists into your PDF.
ExternalSignature Interface that needs to be implemented to do the actual signing.
ExternalSignatureContainer Interface to sign a document.
OcspClient Interface for the OCSP Client
TSAClient Time Stamp Authority client (caller) interface.
TSAInfoBouncyCastle Interface you can implement and pass to TSAClientBouncyCastle in case you want to do something with the information returned
XmlLocator Helps to locate xml stream
XpathConstructor Constructor for XPath2 expression

Class Summary
BouncyCastleDigest Implementation for digests accessed directly from the BouncyCastle library bypassing any provider definition.
CertificateInfo Class containing static methods that allow you to get information from an X509 Certificate: the issuer and the subject.
CertificateInfo.X500Name a class that holds an X509 name
CertificateInfo.X509NameTokenizer class for breaking up an X500 Name into it's component tokens, similar to java.util.StringTokenizer.
CertificateUtil This class contains a series of static methods that allow you to retrieve information from a Certificate.
CertificateVerification This class consists of some methods that allow you to verify certificates.
CertificateVerifier Superclass for a series of certificate verifiers that will typically be used in a chain.
CrlClientOffline An implementation of the CrlClient that handles offline Certificate Revocation Lists.
CrlClientOnline An implementation of the CrlClient that fetches the CRL bytes from an URL.
CRLVerifier Class that allows you to verify a certificate against one or more Certificate Revocation Lists.
DigestAlgorithms Class that contains a map with the different message digest algorithms.
EncryptionAlgorithms Class that contains a map with the different encryption algorithms.
ExternalBlankSignatureContainer Produces a blank (or empty) signature.
KeyStoreUtil Utility class with some KeyStore related methods.
LtvTimestamp PAdES-LTV Timestamp
LtvVerification Add verification according to PAdES-LTV (part 4)
LtvVerifier Verifies the signatures in an LTV document.
MakeSignature Class that signs your PDF.
MakeXmlSignature Class that signs your XML.
OcspClientBouncyCastle OcspClient implementation using BouncyCastle.
OCSPVerifier Class that allows you to verify a certificate against one or more OCSP responses.
PdfPKCS7 This class does all the processing related to signing and verifying a PKCS#7 signature.
PrivateKeySignature Implementation of the ExternalSignature interface that can be used when you have a PrivateKey object.
RootStoreVerifier Verifies a certificate against a KeyStore containing trusted anchors.
SecurityIDs A list of IDs that are used by the security classes
SignaturePermissions A helper class that tells you more about the type of signature (certification or approval) and the signature's DMP settings.
TSAClientBouncyCastle Time Stamp Authority Client interface implementation using Bouncy Castle org.bouncycastle.tsp package.
VerificationOK Class that informs you that the verification of a Certificate succeeded using a specific CertificateVerifier and for a specific reason.

Enum Summary
LtvVerification.CertificateInclusion Certificate inclusion in the DSS and VRI dictionaries in the CERT and CERTS keys
LtvVerification.CertificateOption Options for how many certificates to include
LtvVerification.Level What type of verification to include

Exception Summary
VerificationException An exception that is thrown when something is wrong with a certificate.

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