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basicTyCo.h File Reference

Basic types and constants. More...

#include <stdint.h>

Data Structures

union  dualReg_t
 A 32 bit union. More...
union  sdm124regs_t
 A type for 124 registers respectively 62 values of 32 bit. More...
union  sdm80regs_t
 A type for 80 registers respectively 40 values of 32 bit. More...
struct  smdX30modbus_t
 A structure for SMDx30 smart meters. More...


#define clearArray(a)
 Clear an array. More...
#define DAYs
 seconds in days w/o DST switch or leap seconds
#define ERAend
 A point in time far away. More...
#define FALSE
 false off aus arrêt stop halt. More...
 days in four years (3 * YEAR + LEAPYEAR)
#define HOURs
 seconds in hours
#define LEAPYEAR
 days in leap year
#define memBarrier()
 Memory barrier. More...
#define MILLIARD
 MILLIARD 1/nano = Giga = 10**9. More...
#define MILLION
 Million = 1/micro = Mega = 10**6. More...
#define MINUTEs
 seconds in minutes
#define OFF
 false Off Aus arrêt stop halt. More...
#define ON
 true On An marche go. More...
#define PLATFlittlE
 The target platform is little endian. More...
#define TRUE
 true on an marche go. More...
#define YEAR
 Days in normal year. More...


typedef enum modBusLinkState_t modBusLinkState_t
 A set of possible states of a Modbus link. More...


enum  modBusLinkState_t {
 A set of possible states of a Modbus link. More...

Detailed Description

Basic types and constants.

This file contains some basic type definitions and values, i.e. macro constants. It does not contain function definitions and, hence, has no implementing .c file.

Copyright (c) 2018 Albrecht Weinert
weinert-automation.de a-weinert.de
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Revision history

Rev. 72 12.11.2024
Rev. 152 21.06.2018 : new, excerpted from sysBasic.h V.151
Rev. 182 12.08.2018 : types reduced
Rev. 190 12.02.2019 : minor, comments only
Rev. 209 13.07.2019 : include stdint.h only (string.h no more)
Rev. 215 26.08.2019 : type sdm124regs_t added
A type for 124 registers respectively 62 values of 32 bit.
Definition: basicTyCo.h:203

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ PLATFlittlE

#define PLATFlittlE

The target platform is little endian.

values: 0 : no (known at compile time); 1 : yes (dto.); littleEndian() : compute at runtime as no commonly used target information macros are available

◆ ON

#define ON

true On An marche go.

value: 1


#define OFF

false Off Aus arrêt stop halt.

value: 0


#define TRUE

true on an marche go.

value: 1


#define FALSE

false off aus arrêt stop halt.

value: 0


#define MILLIARD

MILLIARD 1/nano = Giga = 10**9.

The constant Milliard. (Amercians, wrongly, call that Billion.)

value: 1000000000


#define MILLION

Million = 1/micro = Mega = 10**6.

value: 1000000


#define YEAR

Days in normal year.

value: 365

◆ ERAend

#define ERAend

A point in time far away.

This is 2.2.2106 in Unix seconds and very near the end of the unsigned 32 bit era. In the sense of small embedded control applications we consider this (for tasks timers etc.) as beyond end of life and, hence, infinity.
value: 4294512000U

◆ clearArray

#define clearArray (   a)

Clear an array.

This is to set a real fixed size array to zero (0). Using this instead of looping or own optimising gets better code on almost all gcc compilers. Note: "Real" array means an array declared and defined with a fixed length; and no malloced pointer.

athe array to be set all 0 (not NULL, fixed length array)

◆ memBarrier

#define memBarrier ( )

Memory barrier.

This macro is an ARM memory fence instruction insuring cache updates.

Memory mapped IO, as used in Raspberries' ARM ¶ęPs BCM2835, BCM2835 and BCM2836 is quite problematic. As the semantics of memory is (non regarding caches and multiprocessing) extremely simple both compilers and processors may optimise memory access by all kinds of re-ordering and dropping.

A variable is an abstractions of memory cell respectively a pointer or reference is an abstraction of a memory cell address. If such variable points neither to nor is a memory cell but an IO register (say a USART buffer FIFO e.g.) this optimising by re-ordering or dropping would be disastrous. This has to be inhibited at compile time as well as at run time. Indeed, at runtime too as those newer ¶ęPs are clever enough to re-order and drop memory accesses by them self.

Compile time memory access optimisation is inhibited by the volatile keyword for every variable and reference meaning an IO register. Just one omission is good for effects hard to diagnose.

Run time optimisation and especially re-ordering is inhibited by putting memory fence instructions (this one) at the right places. The BCM2835 data sheet says: "Accesses to the same peripheral will always arrive and return in-order. It is only when switching from one peripheral to another that data can arrive out-of-order. The simplest way to make sure that data is processed in-order is to place a memory barrier instruction at critical positions in the code. You should place: * A memory write barrier before the first write to a peripheral. * A memory read barrier after the last read of a peripheral. It is not required to put a memory barrier instruction after each read or write access. Only at those places in the code where it is possible that a peripheral read or write may be followed by a read or write of a different peripheral. This is normally at the entry and exit points of the peripheral service code. As interrupts can appear anywhere in the code so you should safeguard those. If an interrupt routine reads from a peripheral the routine should start with a memory read barrier. If an interrupt routine writes to a peripheral the routine should end with a memory write barrier."

That's quite clear and applies to BCM2836 and BCM2837, too (we have no data sheet for those, only for BCM2835). And to repeat: Too many volatiles and memory fences makes programs longer and slower. But one too less is good for disaster.

Language hint: In Java this would be volatile, transient and synchronised. Implementation hint: This macro is __sync_synchronize() Interrupt hint: We and most of us do not make a sequence of IO accesses atomic by interrupt disable. We rely on interrupt routines doing it right as described in the data sheet.

Typedef Documentation

◆ modBusLinkState_t

A set of possible states of a Modbus link.

Modbus link here means a connection to a concrete Modbus slave/server seen by the master/client.

Note: The numbering may change in future but the ordering off < operational < operated < error will not.

The set of states is limited by the interface type (RS485, Ethernet, ..) and may be further limited by the device or application. The subset ML_OFF ML_ON ML_INITED ML_ERR_REQ ML_ERR_RESP will be enough for some RS485 slaves.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ modBusLinkState_t

A set of possible states of a Modbus link.

Modbus link here means a connection to a concrete Modbus slave/server seen by the master/client.

Note: The numbering may change in future but the ordering off < operational < operated < error will not.

The set of states is limited by the interface type (RS485, Ethernet, ..) and may be further limited by the device or application. The subset ML_OFF ML_ON ML_INITED ML_ERR_REQ ML_ERR_RESP will be enough for some RS485 slaves.


do not use that Modbus device


may be used but connection not ready


may be usable, basic state


initialised and settings (if any)


request sent, response pending


response received --> ML_INITED




request received


respond sent


no concrete error, lower bound of all error states


initialisation error (hopeless when re-occurring)


request error


response error