file | basicTyCo.h |
| Basic types and constants.
file | growattHome.h |
| Types and values for the smart home's Growatt inverter handling (laboratory project)
file | homeDoor.h |
| Common types and values for the smart home door bell and phone project.
file | mqttHome.h |
| MQTT related definitions for an experimental smart home (lab) project.
file | sweetHome.h |
| Common types, values and functions for a smart home project.
file | sweetHome2.h |
| Types, values and functions for a smart home project.
file | sweetHomeLocal.h |
| Localisation and geographical values for the smart home laboratory project.
file | sysBasic.h |
| Some very basic definitions.
file | we1wire.h |
| Common types and values for 1-wire sensors.
file | weAR_N4105.h |
| Definitions for VDE-AR-N 4105.
file | weBatt.h |
| Common types and values for buffer battery handling.
file | weCGIajax.h |
| Types, functions and values for Web interfaces with AJAX, CGI etc.
file | weDCF77.h |
| DCF77 decoder on Raspberry Pi.
file | weEcarLd.h |
| Some functions for E-Car loading on a Raspberry Pi using pigpiod.
file | weGPIOd.h |
| IO functions for Raspberry Pis.
file | weLockWatch.h |
| Process control helpers for Raspberry Pi: lock and watchdog.
file | weModbus.h |
| Modbus functions for Raspberry Pis.
file | weModbusBC.h |
| Modbus functions for Raspberry Pis.
file | weSerial.h |
| Definitions for Raspberry Pi's serial communication.
file | weShareMem.h |
| One chunk of shared memory on a Raspberry Pi.
file | weStateM.h |
| States and state machines.
file | weUSBscan.h |
| USB 1D / 2D scanners mimicking keyboards on Raspberry Pi.
file | weUtil.h |
| Some system related time and utility functions for Raspberry Pis.