rasProject_01 / weSweetHome  R. 77 2025-03-07
process control       /     RasPi software         by   weinert-automation
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file  basicTyCo.h
 Basic types and constants.
file  growattHome.h
 Types and values for the smart home's Growatt inverter handling (laboratory project)
file  homeDoor.h
 Common types and values for the smart home door bell and phone project.
file  mqttHome.h
 MQTT related definitions for an experimental smart home (lab) project.
file  sweetHome.h
 Common types, values and functions for a smart home project.
file  sweetHome2.h
 Types, values and functions for a smart home project.
file  sweetHomeLocal.h
 Localisation and geographical values for the smart home laboratory project.
file  sysBasic.h
 Some very basic definitions.
file  we1wire.h
 Common types and values for 1-wire sensors.
file  weAR_N4105.h
 Definitions for VDE-AR-N 4105.
file  weBatt.h
 Common types and values for buffer battery handling.
file  weCGIajax.h
 Types, functions and values for Web interfaces with AJAX, CGI etc.
file  weDCF77.h
 DCF77 decoder on Raspberry Pi.
file  weEcarLd.h
 Some functions for E-Car loading on a Raspberry Pi using pigpiod.
file  weGPIOd.h
 IO functions for Raspberry Pis.
file  weLockWatch.h
 Process control helpers for Raspberry Pi: lock and watchdog.
file  weModbus.h
 Modbus functions for Raspberry Pis.
file  weModbusBC.h
 Modbus functions for Raspberry Pis.
file  weSerial.h
 Definitions for Raspberry Pi's serial communication.
file  weShareMem.h
 One chunk of shared memory on a Raspberry Pi.
file  weStateM.h
 States and state machines.
file  weUSBscan.h
 USB 1D / 2D scanners mimicking keyboards on Raspberry Pi.
file  weUtil.h
 Some system related time and utility functions for Raspberry Pis.