rasProject_01 / weSweetHome  R. 77 2025-03-07
process control       /     RasPi software         by   weinert-automation
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homeDoor.h File Reference

Common types and values for the smart home door bell and phone project. More...

#include "arch/config.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include "weGPIOd.h"


#define BEEP
 beeper, 1-active
#define DOoff
 door opener inactive, 0-inactive
#define DOpRel
 door opener relay, 1-active (5s max.)
#define GNdim
 green LEDs too bright: PWM en liue de permanent ON
#define KliMU
 bell middle and lower floor, 0-active
#define KliOb
 bell upper floor, 0-active
#define LEDgeL
 left yellow LED, 1-active Ko 4h
#define LEDgeR
 right yellow LED, 1-active bell middle & lower
#define LEDgnL
 left green LED, 1-active I'm alive blink
#define LEDgnR
 right green LED, 1-active !door opener
#define LEDoc3
 no LED, 1-active oc3 state
#define LEDrtL
 left red LED, 1-active Kmu 4h
#define LEDrtR
 right red LED, 1-active bell upper
#define OCres
 unused optocoupler 3, 0-active
#define SamPer
 50 Hz rectangle (a 20 ms 5 sample period)
#define Smp1o4
 sample 3 of 4 every 4 ms (5*50 Hz, doorUnl)

Detailed Description

Common types and values for the smart home door bell and phone project.

Copyright (c) 2020 2024 Albrecht Weinert
weinert-automation.de a-weinert.de
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Revision history

Rev. 67 5.10.2024
Rev. 223 18.06.2020 : new
Rev. 228 20.07.2020 : output LineF
Rev. 264 22.09.2024 : gn LEDs dimmed

This include file collects some configuration and naming common to
a) the process control program
b) server side program(s) (CGI) for the web interfaces