rasProject_01 / weSweetHome  R. 77 2025-03-07
process control       /     RasPi software         by   weinert-automation
No Matches
sweetHome.h File Reference

Common types, values and functions for a smart home project. More...

#include "arch/config.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include "weShareMem.h"

Data Structures

struct  cmdLookUp_t
 Structure for a defined remote command. More...
struct  dayStrtVal_t
 Day start values. More...
struct  meterVal_t
 One smart meter's readings. More...
struct  phPckSwSet_t
 Simple Structure for phase packet switch setting. More...
struct  valFilVal_t
 Smart meters' and other process values. More...
struct  valsSharMem_t
 Structure for shared memory. More...


#define Amsk
 would give away
#define ANZmodSLAVES
 Number of smart Modbus meters. More...
 auto control (ON=manual)
 car load as PV surplus ballast
 battery commands mask
 battery loading commands mask
 battery unloading commands mask
#define Bmsk
 Controlled load battery (as ballast)
#define C250W_COMMANDS
 give 250 W command mask
 car load command mask
#define CHSBmsk
 CHS mode ballast (1: on at 0.. max power at surplus)
#define CHScarC
 CHS loading station: car connected to EVSE.
#define CHScPow
 CHS loading station: power line connected to car.
#define CHSiLhi
 CHS current limit at hi border.
#define CHSiLiM
 CHS current limit at one border mask.
#define CHSiLlo
 CHS current limit at lo border (usually 6A fixed)
#define CHSMmsk
 CHS mode manual (1: on at max power)
#define CHSphas
 CHS number of phases: 1..6; 0, 7 not used; 3 default.
#define CHSphHi
 CHS number of phases at hi limit (1..6)
#define CHSphLo
 CHS number of phases at lo limit (usually 1 fixed)
#define CHSphMs
 CHS number of phases at limit mask.
#define cmdBits_t
 Type for command bits. More...
 car load decrease max. current
 reduce PPSWI limit (by 300W)
 decrement (-1) PPSWI power
#define getNoPhas()
 Get number of phases. More...
#define GIVE250_COMMANDS
 commands concerning Plg01 & Rel5
#define Gmsk
 Give away: Alarm / add ballast / etc.
 Mask for all Hippogreiff commands. More...
 comfort pump command mask
 car load increase max. current
 increment (+1) PPSWI power
 increase PPSWI limit (by 200W)
#define inv2Panel(x)
 Inverter (mJ) is connected to panel.
#define Kmsk
 Keep battery (minimal load voltage)
#define Lmsk
 Load battery (normal program)
 lower battery loading power
 lower PPSWI power
#define OFF_C250W_COMMAND
 off control give 250 W
 E-car load off.
 off Hippogreiff
 off Plug01 give 250 W
 off Plug02
 off Plug03
 off Plug04
 off PPSWI (Power packet switching)
#define ON_C250W_COMMAND
 on control give 250 W
 E-car load on.
 on Hippogreiff
 on Plug01 give 250 W
 on Plug02
 on Plug03
 on Plug04
 on and manual PPSWI PPSWI
#define P2sPmsk
 PPS element 2 power * 50% (0:0% .. 2:100%)
#define PCK100PERC_POWER
 Phase packet switching device. More...
 phase packet switch 1% power / W
#define PCK50PRC_POWER
 phase packet switch 50% power / W
 assume E-cars using 1 phase less
 assume E-cars using 1 phase more
 Plug01 command mask.
 Plug02 command mask.
 Plug03 command mask.
 Plug04 command mask.
#define PPSLmsk
 PPS max at limit (1: at 0.0 or PCK_POWER_LIM_MAX)
#define PPSMmsk
 PPS mode manual (0: automatic, default)
#define PPSUmsk
 PPS power at limit PCK_POWER_LIM_MAX.
 Power packet switching commands.
 Pump start heating power; see PUMP_STRT_TEMP.
 Water (tank) temperature to start comfort pump when heating. More...
 raise battery loading power
 raise PPSWI power
 Upper limit of safe water (tank) temperature. More...
 Size of defined master slave communication data in shared memory. More...
 Size of extra fill array to have a standard shared memory size.
#define Smsk
 Solar power is generated.
 start battery keep alive (with load)
 start battery loading
 start battery unloading
 start hot water comfort pump
 set 3 phases and 16A (11kW)
 stop battery unloading & loading
 stop hot water comfort pump
#define Umsk
 Unload battery commanded.
 4 unused command bits (June 2023)
#define Wmsk
 Would give away 250W or more.


float pwmToVolt (uint8_t const pwm)
 Output voltage of battery load module by PWM signal. More...


cmdLookUp_t cmdLookUp []
 The common command look up table. More...
volatile float fLine
 Last valid power line frequency. More...
float const loadModUlookup [256]
 Output voltage of electronic battery load module. More...
float const phPckSwPow [101]
 First (or only) phase packet switching device power look up.
phPckSwSet_t const phPckSwSets [101]
 The packet switch control values. More...
smdX30modbus_t smdX30modbus [2]
 Descriptive and state array for smart meters on Modbus. More...
volatile int tempTankWater
 Last value of tank water temperature. More...
volatile uint8_t tempWaterBadCnt
 Tank water temperature bad read count. More...
valFilVal_t valFilVal
 All process values relevant for log files and HMI.

Detailed Description

Common types, values and functions for a smart home project.

Copyright (c) 2018 - 2024 Albrecht Weinert
weinert-automation.de a-weinert.de
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Revision history

Rev. 77 7.03.2025
Rev. 77+ 07.12.2017 : new
Rev. 99 29.01.2018 : storage battery load module voltage handling added
Rev. 167 19.06.2018 : phPckSwPow [100] 950.00 W
Rev. 187 04.10.2018 : wSumExp in valFilVal_t (unload guarded)
Rev. 190 12.02.2019 : prepare VDE-AR-N 4105 (relays) handling
Rev. 217 05.09.2019 : phase packet switch ballast: three variants
Rev. 220 09.11.2019 : Growatt values added to valFilVal_t
Rev. 245 27.02.2023 : pps 100% power raised to 1983 W due panel reorg.
Rev. 245 01.05.2023 : utcDawn, utcDusk (civil twilight) not in dayStrtVal_t
Rev. 251 12.07.2023 : phase packet switch power limit added to valFilVal_t
Rev. 259 04.08.2022 : battery changed to ECO-WORTHY 12.8V 100Ah LiFePO4 Akku
Rev. 268 15.10.2024 : float lookup Uload(pwm) range 0..141
Rev. 270 03.11.2024 : semphore set & shared memory defined in weShareMem.h
Day start values.
Definition: sweetHome.h:277
Smart meters' and other process values.
Definition: sweetHome.h:399
float const phPckSwPow[101]
First (or only) phase packet switching device power look up.
Definition: sweetHome.c:251

In the smart home's PV under control, we assume one smart meter for the whole house's (public) electricity supply and one for solar generators and battery storage. The (two, cf. ANZmodSLAVES) meters are Modbus controlled.
Additionally we have home and PV related process control.
The process IO related definitions are mostly in include/sweetHome2.h

This include file collects some configuration and naming common to
a) the process control program (hometersControl)
b) a console HMI program (hometersConsol) and the
c) server side program(s) (meteRead.cCGI) for the web interfaces

All those programs, running on the system for process control and I/O, are written in C. The client side programming for the web HMI is in Javascript.

The server side programs communicate via shared memory and a set of three (ANZ_SEMAS) semaphores.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ANZmodSLAVES

Number of smart Modbus meters.

Usually two.

◆ cmdBits_t

#define cmdBits_t

Type for command bits.

Commands to the process control program from outside are transferred via shared memory as one bit set for every command to be executed. The bit position (0..31, as of May 2018) defines a concrete command.

"From outside" usually means from a web interface (html page with Javascript) and AJAX to a C written GCI program communicating via shared memory with the process control program. In this schema the CGI program sets bits for commands to be executed and the process control program clears the bit(s) in question on commands executed (or rejected).

Remark: On contradictory commands, ONyxz and OFFxyz, one will be executed and both will be cleared. In cases like this OFF... usually gets priority.

Remark 2: When exceeding 32 distinct commands we may switch to a uint64_t as was done from 16_t to 32_t in May 2018.



Mask for all Hippogreiff commands.

Hippogreiff stands for a relay controlled 12V supply from storage battery. It should be ON at night, or more precisely either between sunset and sunrise or from dusk to dawn.
One consumer on this rail is a green LED beam to a little Hippogreiff sculpture. Hence the name.

The Hippogreiff is mythical beast with similarities to Harry Potter's Hippogreif, as long as looked at from the front. Seen from side one realises him being another species.


#define PCK100PERC_POWER

Phase packet switching device.

Since Rev. 157 (07-2018) we have one single phase heating device with then 950 W power, raised 03.2020 to 1267W and 02.2023 to 1845. It is actuated by a zero crossing electronic switch (SSR) at pin PH_P_SSR1 controlling the amount of power in 1% (PCK1PERC_POWER) steps.
For robustness and safety this electronic relay sits behind a 10A relay.

Since march 2023 we have two heater elements of 2kW each:
heater element 1 phase packet switch SSR1 PH_P_SSR1) 0..100%
heater element 1 phase packet switch SSR1 PH_P_SSR1) 0, 50, 100%

While the first one is controlled in 101 steps as before, the second one got three states: off, half and full power. This effectively gives a range of 0 to about 4kW in 201 steps. In the present configuration any PV surplus can be handled as in-house-consumption (Eigenverbrauch).



Upper limit of safe water (tank) temperature.

The integer value for safe water (tank) temperature sensor reading is +68950 m°C respectively 69 °C. Above this value all (electric) heating must stop.



Water (tank) temperature to start comfort pump when heating.

The integer value for pump start water (tank) temperature sensor reading is +58950 m°C respectively 59 °C. Above this value electric heating with >= 1kW (surplus) power shall start the (comfort) circulation pump while heating with electrical (surplus) power.

This is done in the hope to disturb the temperature layers in the tank and, hence, reduce hot water outlet temperature.

See also

◆ getNoPhas

#define getNoPhas ( )

Get number of phases.

number of (set) phases available for car loading



Size of defined master slave communication data in shared memory.

This macro calculates the size in bytes of the shared memory area, see valsSharMem_t. The size of the shared memory SHARED_MEMORY_SIZE should be chosen as a multiple of 256 (512) bytes. The extra bytes are usable as an array uint8_t fill[] of size SHARED_MEM_FILL_SIZE.

Function Documentation

◆ pwmToVolt()

float pwmToVolt ( uint8_t const  pwm)

Output voltage of battery load module by PWM signal.

Note: Currently, this function is used for the user interface - not for process control.

pwmPWM signal 0 (lowest) .. 255 (highest output voltage)
output voltage 10.8 .. 15.2V

Variable Documentation

◆ loadModUlookup

float const loadModUlookup[256]

Output voltage of electronic battery load module.

Depending on the (400Hz) PMW signal width 0..255 (/255 * 100% width) the battery load module will deliver about 11 to 15V. If the battery voltage is higher than the output voltage no current will flow (i.e. nothing happens). If the battery voltage is lower, up to 15A will be delivered. This current limit is implemented / fixed by the power module used. Hence, getting less current respectively power requires a fine control of the PWM signal (see POWH).

This array gives the module output voltage as function of the PWM width (=index) in the usable range 0..141.

◆ smdX30modbus

smdX30modbus_t smdX30modbus[2]

Descriptive and state array for smart meters on Modbus.

The number of meters is ANZmodSLAVES.

◆ cmdLookUp

cmdLookUp_t cmdLookUp[]

The common command look up table.

It must end with an entry {"", 0}.

The current (CGI) program uses linear search for the command mnemonic. Hence, and cause of structure, alphabetic sorting is of no avail.

◆ phPckSwSets

phPckSwSet_t const phPckSwSets[101]

The packet switch control values.

The array holds the number of on and off phases (i.e. 20 ms periods at 50 Hz line frequency) for each percentage of full power. The array length is 101; the index [0..100] is, hence, directly the percentage wanted.

To avoid too visible flicker, for no set (phPckSwSets[i].onPhases, phPckSwSets[i].offPhases) the smaller of the two values would be greater than 4 (80 ms); in most cases it is 1 or 2 (40 ms).

◆ fLine

volatile float fLine

Last valid power line frequency.

The measurement is taken from the more precise home three phase meter if communicative via Modbus. Otherwise the other meter's value is taken if available. Due to slow Modbus communication the values may be older than two seconds worst case.
This low sampling rate won't comply with VDE-AR-N 4105 cut off rules requiring a 0.1s reaction outside 47.5..51.5Hz. Nevertheless the current experimental set-up is a working proof-of-concept implementation (with very low power) — and a faster frequency measurement could easily be implemented.

Last valid power line frequency.

◆ tempTankWater

volatile int tempTankWater

Last value of tank water temperature.

This value will be the last good .tempTankTop (see valFilVal_t) or the last good .tempPipe. If neither is good for 251 measurements BAD_TEMP_READ (an incredibly high value) will be set.
This last tank water temperature will be checked against a safety limit to allow electric heating as ballast.
The value is in units of 1/1000 grdC.

◆ tempWaterBadCnt

volatile uint8_t tempWaterBadCnt

Tank water temperature bad read count.

This last tank water temperature will be checked against a safety limit to allow electric heating as ballast.

In case of too many bad reads the value must be fixed at 253