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weUtil.h File Reference

Some system related time and utility functions for Raspberry Pis. More...

#include "sysBasic.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>

Data Structures

struct  cycTask_t
 Cyclic or event driven task / threads structure. More...
struct  cycTaskEventData_t
 Event data for cyclic tasks. More...


int advanceTmTim (struct tm *rTm, char *rTmTxt, uint8_t sec)
 Advance broken down real time by seconds. More...
int char2hexDig (char c)
 Character to hexadecimal. More...
int cycTaskDestroy (cycTask_t *cykTask)
 Destroy a cyclic task / threads structure. More...
int cycTaskEvent (cycTask_t *cycTask, uint8_t noEvents, timespec stamp, cycTaskEventData_t cycTaskEventData)
 Handle and signal events. More...
int cycTaskInit (cycTask_t *cykTask)
 Initialise a cyclic task / threads structure. More...
int cycTaskWaitEvent (cycTask_t *cycTask, uint32_t eventsThreshold, cycTask_t *cycTaskSnap)
 Wait on signalled event. More...
int endCyclist (void)
 The cycles handler arrived. More...
char * formEpocTime (char *target, uint32_t valueS)
 Format 32 bit unsigned epoch time as ddhh:ssss relative to today. More...
char * formFixed16 (char *target, uint8_t targetLen, uint16_t value, uint8_t dotPos)
 Format 16 bit unsigned fixed point, right aligned. More...
char * formFixed32 (char *target, uint8_t targetLen, uint32_t value, uint8_t dotPos)
 Format 32 bit unsigned fixed point, right aligned. More...
char * formUnsByte (char *target, uint8_t value)
 Format 8 bit unsigned fixed point, right aligned. More...
int genErrWithText (char const *txt)
 Generate error text (errorText) with system error text appended. More...
uint8_t get10inS ()
 Get a 10th of second in s reading. More...
uint32_t getAbsS ()
 Get the absolute s reading. More...
uint32_t getCykTaskCount (cycTask_t const *const cycTask)
 Get a cycle's/task's current event counter. More...
uint16_t getMSinS ()
 Get a ms in s reading. More...
void initStartRTime ()
 Initialise start (real) time. More...
uint32_t ioSetClrSelect (uint8_t pin)
 Fetch a clear and set select bit for a GPIO pin. More...
int isValidIp4 (char const *str)
 Check if a string is a valid IPv4 address. More...
void logErrorText (void)
 Log the (last) common error text generated. More...
void logErrText (char const *txt)
 Log an error text on errLog. More...
void logErrWithText (char const *txt)
 Log error text (on errLog) with system error text appended. More...
void logStampedText (char const *txt)
 Log an event or a message on outLog as line with time stamp. More...
void monoTimeResol (timespec *timeRes)
 Absolute time (source) resolution. More...
void onSignalExit (int s)
 On signal exit. More...
void onSignalExit0 (int s)
 On signal exit 0. More...
void onSignalStop (int s)
 On signal stop. More...
unsigned int parse2Long (char *const optArg, long int *parsResult)
 Parse a string of integer numbers. More...
int parsInt (const char *str, const int lower, const int upper, const int def)
 Parse int with checks. More...
uint16_t stopMSwatch ()
 Get a (stop-watch) ms reading. More...
void strLappend (char *dest, char const *src, int n)
 Append one char sequence left justified at another one. More...
void strLinto (char *dest, char const *src, size_t n)
 Set one char sequence left justified into another one. More...
void strRinto (char *dest, char const *src, size_t n)
 Set one char sequence right justified into another one. More...
int theCyclistStart (int startMsDelay)
 Start the cycles handler. More...
int theCyclistWaitEnd ()
 Wait for the end of the cycles thread. More...
timespec timeAdd (timespec const t1, timespec const t2)
 Add two times as new structure. More...
void timeAddTo (timespec *t1, timespec const t2)
 Add two times overwriting the first operand. More...
int timeCmp (timespec const t1, timespec const t2)
 Compare two times. More...
int timeSleep (unsigned int micros)
 Relative delay for the specified number of ‹¨«s. More...


char actRTmTxt []
 Actual broken down time (text). More...
timespec allCycStart
 Common absolute / monotonic start time of all cycles. More...
char const bin8digs [256][10]
 "0000_0000" .. "1111_1111"
volatile uint8_t commonRun
 Common boolean run flag for all threads. More...
const uint32_t csBit []
 single bit set. 1 2 4 8 ... 0x80000000
cycTask_t cyc100ms
 100ms cycle (data structure)
cycTask_t cyc10ms
 10ms cycle (data structure)
cycTask_t cyc1ms
 1ms cycle (data structure)
cycTask_t cyc1sec
 1s cycle (data structure)
cycTask_t cyc20ms
 20ms cycle (data structure)
char const dec8duns [256][4]
 " 0" .. "255" byte to three char dec
char errorText [182]
 Common error text. More...
uint8_t have100msCyc
 Flag to enable the 100ms cycle. More...
uint8_t have10msCyc
 Flag to enable the 10ms cycle. More...
uint8_t have1msCyc
 Flag to enable the 1ms cycle. More...
uint8_t have1secCyc
 Flag to enable the 1s cycle. More...
uint8_t have20msCyc
 Flag to enable the 20ms cycle. More...
long int parsResult []
 Long array of length 14. More...
volatile int sigRec
 Storage for the signal (number) requesting exit. More...
timespec startRTime
 Start time (structure, monotonic real time clock). More...
char const *const stmp23
 The current time as text. More...
uint32_t const *const stmpSec
 The real time epoch seconds. More...
int8_t vcoCorrNs
 external for test/debug only (don't change)

Detailed Description

Some system related time and utility functions for Raspberry Pis.

Copyright (c) 2018 2024 Albrecht Weinert
weinert-automation.de a-weinert.de
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Revision history

Rev. 77 7.03.2025
Rev. 50+ 16.10.2017 : cycTask_t->mutex now pointer (allows common mutex)
Rev. 54+ 23.10.2017 : timing enhanced, common mutex forced/standard
Rev. 200 16.04.2019 : logging improved; formatting enh.
Rev. 202 28.04.2019 : timer macro change, more formatting functions
Rev. 209 22.07.2019 : work around a Doxygen bug, formFixed.. not void
Rev. 233 26.09.2020 : 10 ms cycle added
Rev. 263 08.09.2024 : formEpocTime added (to make logged timers readable)
Rev. 76 20.02.2025 : define __USE_GNU
Cyclic or event driven task / threads structure.
Definition: weUtil.h:562
char * formEpocTime(char *target, uint32_t valueS)
Format 32 bit unsigned epoch time as ddhh:ssss relative to today.
Definition: weUtil.c:302

This file contains some definitions concerning system, time and IO. The IO part will work with the gpio/gpiod library as defined in the library's include file pigpiod_if2.h.

Function Documentation

◆ strLinto()

void strLinto ( char *  dest,
char const *  src,
size_t  n 

Set one char sequence left justified into another one.

This function copies n characters from src to dest left justified. If the length of src is less than n the remaining length on right in dest will be filled with blanks.

Attention: dest[n-1] must be within the char array provided by dest. This cannot and will not be checked!

Hint: Contrary to strncpy there's no padding with 0. If you want dest to end after the insertion use strLappend().

destthe pointer to / into the destination sequence where src is to be copied to. If NULL nothing happens.
srcthe sequence to be copied. If NULL or empty fill is used from start
nthe number of characters to be copied from src.

◆ strLappend()

void strLappend ( char *  dest,
char const *  src,
int  n 

Append one char sequence left justified at another one.

This function copies n characters from src to dest and lets dest then end with 0 (end of string). If n is negativ, -n characters will be copied and dest will end with new line and 0;

Attention: dest[n] respectively dest [-n + 1] must be within the char array provided by dest. This cannot and will not be checked!

destthe pointer to / into the destination sequence where src is to be copied to. If Null nothing happens.
srcthe sequence to be copied. If Null or empty fill is used from start
nthe absolute value is the number of characters to be copied from src. If this number exceeds 300 it will be taken as 0. If n is negative a line feed will be appended, too.

◆ strRinto()

void strRinto ( char *  dest,
char const *  src,
size_t  n 

Set one char sequence right justified into another one.

This function copies n characters from src to dest right justified. If the length of src is less than n the remaining length on left in dest will be filled with blanks.

Attention: dest[n-1] must be within the char array provided by dest. This cannot and will not be checked!

Hint to append instead of insert: If this operation shall be at the end of the changed char sequence do
dest[n] = 0;
Then, of course, dest[n] must be within the char array provided by dest.

destthe pointer to / into the destination sequence where src is to be copied to. If NULL nothing happens.
srcthe sequence to be copied. If NULL or empty fill is used from start
nthe number of characters to be copied from src.

◆ formFixed16()

char * formFixed16 ( char *  target,
uint8_t  targetLen,
uint16_t  value,
uint8_t  dotPos 

Format 16 bit unsigned fixed point, right aligned.

formFixed16(target, 6, 1234, 2), e.g., will yield " 12.34".
formFixed16(target, 6, 4, 2), e.g., will yield " 0.04".

If the value would not fit within targetLen characters leading digits will be truncated.

targetpointer to first of targLen characters changed
targetLenfield length 2..16; number of characters changed
valuethe fixed point value
dotPoswhere the fixed point is 0..6 < targetLen
points to the most significant digit set or NULL on error / no formatting

◆ formFixed32()

char * formFixed32 ( char *  target,
uint8_t  targetLen,
uint32_t  value,
uint8_t  dotPos 

Format 32 bit unsigned fixed point, right aligned.

This function behaves like formFixed16() except for handling 32 bit values. formFixed16() should be preferred, when feasible.

targetpointer to first of targLen characters changed
targetLenfield length 2..16; number of characters changed
valuethe fixed point value
dotPoswhere the fixed point is 0..6 < targetLen
points to the most significant digit set or NULL on error / no formatting

◆ formEpocTime()

char * formEpocTime ( char *  target,
uint32_t  valueS 

Format 32 bit unsigned epoch time as ddhh:ssss relative to today.

The output format ddhh:mm:ss means:
.d: '<<' '<-' ' ' '->' '>>' mean day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, day after tomorrow ...
hh:mm:ss is, of course, the time in that day.

For days further in past or future the epoch seconds (ten digits incomprehensible to humans) are output, see formFixed32().

targetpointer to first of 10 characters changed
valueSthe fixed point value (epoch seconds)
points to the most significant digit set or NULL on error / no formatting

sprintf(target, "%3dd%5ds", relNoDay, secInDay);

◆ formUnsByte()

char * formUnsByte ( char *  target,
uint8_t  value 

Format 8 bit unsigned fixed point, right aligned.

targetpointer to first of targLen characters changed
valuethe unsigned 8 bit value (0..255)
points behind the number i.e. target + 3; null on error

◆ isValidIp4()

int isValidIp4 ( char const *  str)

Check if a string is a valid IPv4 address.

Syntactically valid IPv4 addresses are: ..

strThe string containing the address, only; 0-terminated
0: no syntactically valid IPv4 address; 1: OK

◆ char2hexDig()

int char2hexDig ( char  c)

Character to hexadecimal.

Parameter values '0'..'9' return 0..9. Parameter values 'A'..'F' and 'a'..'f' return 10..15. Other values return -1.

◆ parsInt()

int parsInt ( const char *  str,
const int  lower,
const int  upper,
const int  def 

Parse int with checks.

This function expects parameter str to point to a null-terminated string. If not def is returned. If lower > upper def is returned. If the string str contains a decimal integer number n, fulfilling lower <= n <= upper n is returned, or def otherwise.

If the string str starts with [+|-][min|med|max] ignoring case lower respectively ((lower + upper) / 2) respectively upper is returned. A leading sign (+|-) as well as any trailing characters are ignored.

str0-terminated string containing a decimal integer number, or one of the keywords described above
lowerlower limit
upperupper limit
defdefault value, to be returned when str is not a pure decimal number one of the keyword starts or when the result violates the limits

◆ parse2Long()

unsigned int parse2Long ( char *const  optArg,
long int *  parsResult 

Parse a string of integer numbers.

The string optArg will be tokenised taking any occurrences of the characters " +,;" (blank, plus, comma, semicolon) as border. "Any occurrences" means two commas ",,", e.g., acting as one separator and not denoting an empty number.
N.b.: The string optArg will be modified (by replacing the first character of the token separators found by zero ('\0').

The number format accepted and parsed is decimal and hexadecimal. Hexadecimal starts with 0x or 0X. Leading zeros have no significance (in C stone age sense of being octal).

optArgthe string to be passed to a number of integer numbers, passed as program parameter, e.g.
parsResultpointer to an array of long int, minimal length 14 (!)
the number of integer numbers parsed ab put into parsResult[], 0..14

◆ timeAdd()

timespec timeAdd ( timespec const  t1,
timespec const  t2 

Add two times as new structure.

t1summand as time structure (not NULL!, will be left unchanged)
t2the second summand (dto.)
the sum (probably passed as hidden parameter by the way)

◆ timeAddTo()

void timeAddTo ( timespec t1,
timespec const  t2 

Add two times overwriting the first operand.

t1the time structure to add to (not NULL!, will be modified)
t2the summand (not NULL!, will be left unchanged)

◆ timeCmp()

int timeCmp ( timespec const  t1,
timespec const  t2 

Compare two times.

t1the time structure to compare to t2 (not NULL!)
t2the time structure to compare t1 with (not NULL!)
0: equal; +: t1 is greater (2 by s, 1 by ns); -: t1 is smaller

◆ monoTimeResol()

void monoTimeResol ( timespec timeRes)

Absolute time (source) resolution.

This function sets the time structure provided to the absolute time's (ABS_MONOTIME default: CLOCK_MONOTONIC) resolution.

Raspian Jessie on a Raspberry Pi 3 always yielded 1ns, which one may believe or not. We took it as "sufficient for accurate 1ms cycles".

timeResthe time structure to be used (never NULL!)

◆ timeSleep()

int timeSleep ( unsigned int  micros)

Relative delay for the specified number of ‹¨«s.

This is local sleep. It should not be used in combination with absolute times and cyclic threads. It is just an utility for test or very short delays (as a better replacement for spinning).

microssleep time in ‹¨«s; allowed 30 .. 63000
sleep's return value if of interest (0: uninterrupted)

◆ initStartRTime()

void initStartRTime ( )

Initialise start (real) time.

This will be done in theCyclistStart(int). Hence, this function is for "non-cyclic" applications, mainly. Nevertheless it can be called before theCyclistStart(int) and won't be repeated therein.

◆ advanceTmTim()

int advanceTmTim ( struct tm *  rTm,
char *  rTmTxt,
uint8_t  sec 

Advance broken down real time by seconds.

This function just advances the broken down (local) time structure rTm and the fitting text rTmTxt by 1 to 40s. All fields not affected by adding to the seconds part, won't be touched.

This function won't care about leap seconds nor handle DST rules. If this is to be kept up to date, it is recommended to refresh it on every hour change (return >=3) by
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,..) and localtime_r(..).
Depending on OS, that might be an expensive operation with extra locks.

With wrong parameter values this function does nothing (returns 0).

rTmpointer to broken down real time
rTmTxtdate text, length 32, format Fr 2017-10-20 13:55:12.987 UTC+20 NULL is substituted by actRTmTxt
sec1..40 will be added; else: error
0: error (rTm NULL e.g.); 1: seconds changed; 2: minute; 3: hour; 4: day; 5: month ; 6: year; 7: zone offset

◆ ioSetClrSelect()

uint32_t ioSetClrSelect ( uint8_t  pin)

Fetch a clear and set select bit for a GPIO pin.

For the masks to set or clear GPIO bits each bit 0..31 selects the GPIO pin 0..31 respectively 32..53.

pinGPIO pin number (only 5 bits relevant here)
the the function select bit (a value with one bit set)

◆ logErrWithText()

void logErrWithText ( char const *  txt)

Log error text (on errLog) with system error text appended.

Gives a (English) clear text translation of the latest system stored error. If txt is not null it will be prepended.
This function appends a linefeed and flushes errLog.

txttext to be prepended (should nod be longer than 58 characters)

◆ genErrWithText()

int genErrWithText ( char const *  txt)

Generate error text (errorText) with system error text appended.

Gives a (English) clear text translation of the latest system stored error. If txt is not null it will be prepended.
Date and time will be prepended anyway.

txttext to be prepended (should nod be longer than 58 characters)
0: no error; else mutex error (time and date may be spoiled)

◆ logErrorText()

void logErrorText ( void  )

Log the (last) common error text generated.

This function outputs the last generated errorText (by genErrWithText() e.g.) to errLog. It appends a linefeed and flushes errLog.

◆ logErrText()

void logErrText ( char const *  txt)

Log an error text on errLog.

If txt is not null it will be output to errLog and errLog will be flushed.

txttext to be output; n.b not LF appended

◆ logStampedText()

void logStampedText ( char const *  txt)

Log an event or a message on outLog as line with time stamp.

If txt is not null it will be output to outLog. A time stamp is prepended and a line feed is appended. txt will be shortened to 50 characters if longer.

txtthe text to be output

◆ onSignalExit()

void onSignalExit ( int  s)

On signal exit.

This function is intended as signal hook; see signal(s, hook). When called, this function calls exit(s) and never returns.

sthe signal forwarded to exit

◆ onSignalExit0()

void onSignalExit0 ( int  s)

On signal exit 0.

This function is intended as signal hook; see signal(s, hook).
When called this function calls exit(0) and never returns.
This may be used as hook for s==SIGIN, to provide a normal return on cntl-C.


◆ onSignalStop()

void onSignalStop ( int  s)

On signal stop.

This function is a prepared signal hook. When called it sets sigRec by s and clears commonRun.

◆ cycTaskInit()

int cycTaskInit ( cycTask_t cykTask)

Initialise a cyclic task / threads structure.

This function initialises a cyclic or non cyclic (asynchronous random event driven) task (thread) structure. Common mutex and an own condition are initialised, the event counter (.count) is set to 0.

Note: For the standard cycles provided here, 1ms, 100ms .., this initialisation is done in theCyclistStart() and the destruction (by cycTaskDestroy()) in endCyclist().

cykTaskthe task structure to initialise (not NULL!)
0: success, else: one of the error codes occurred

◆ cycTaskDestroy()

int cycTaskDestroy ( cycTask_t cykTask)

Destroy a cyclic task / threads structure.

cykTaskthe task structure to destroy (not NULL!)
0: success, else: one of the error codes occurred

◆ cycTaskEvent()

int cycTaskEvent ( cycTask_t cycTask,
uint8_t  noEvents,
timespec  stamp,
cycTaskEventData_t  cycTaskEventData 

Handle and signal events.

This is a helper function for the controller / manager to be called when having determined, that one or more events happened.

cycTaskthe task structure (not NULL!)
noEventsnumber of events (usually 1); summand to cykTask.count
stampabsolute monotonic time of the event; sets sykTask.stamp
cycTaskEventDataactual cyclic event data
0: success, else: one of the error codes occurred

◆ cycTaskWaitEvent()

int cycTaskWaitEvent ( cycTask_t cycTask,
uint32_t  eventsThreshold,
cycTask_t cycTaskSnap 

Wait on signalled event.

This is a helper function for a worker thread. It will return on reaching the signalled event(s) or on ! commonRun. If cykTaskSnap is not NULL cycTask will be assigned to it under mutex lock before returning. This is helpful if cykTask's events are broadcast to multiple handlers.

cycTaskthe task structure (not NULL!)
eventsThresholdthreshold for cykTask.count (update for every round)
cycTaskSnapcopy of cykTask under mutex lock before returning
0: success, else: one of the error codes occurred

◆ getCykTaskCount()

uint32_t getCykTaskCount ( cycTask_t const *const  cycTask)

Get a cycle's/task's current event counter.

This is done under (cyclist's) mutex lock.

cycTaskthe task structure
cycTask's event counter value (.count) got under lock; 0x7FffFFffFFf7 on any error (null, lock error) situation

◆ stopMSwatch()

uint16_t stopMSwatch ( )

Get a (stop-watch) ms reading.

This function provides an 16 bit reading of the cyclist's (64 bit ) milliseconds. It is intended for measuring short (<= 1min) durations.

Hint: This functions thread safety stems from the hope of 16 bit increments being atomic. Even if no problems in this respect were observed on Raspberry Pi 3s, it may be just hope in the end. Thread-safe values are, of course, provided in the cycTaskEventData_t structure. But those are frozen within one cycle task step, and, hence, not usable as stop-watch readings within such step.

◆ getMSinS()

uint16_t getMSinS ( )

Get a ms in s reading.

This function provides the cyclist's ms in sec as 16 bit unsigned reading. It is intended for measuring and testing durations.

Hint: This functions does nothing for thread safety. It hopes 16 bit accesses being atomic. Even if no problems in this respect were observed on Raspberry Pi 3s, it may be just hope in the end. Thread-safe values are, of course, provided in the cycTaskEventData_t structure. But those are frozen within one cycle task step, and, hence, not usable as stop-watch readings within such step.

◆ get10inS()

uint8_t get10inS ( )

Get a 10th of second in s reading.

This function provides the cyclist's tenth in seconds reading (0..9). It is intended for cyclic tasks with times greater than 100 ms or asynchronous tasks to get a coarse second sub-division.

Hint: Cyclic tasks get this value in their task date valid at start. This function provides an actual value for tasks running longer than 100ms.

◆ getAbsS()

uint32_t getAbsS ( )

Get the absolute s reading.

This function provides a 32 bit monotonic seconds value.
Base of this 32 bit value is the cyclist's 64 bit epoch time in seconds, 0 being 1.1.1970 00:00:00 UTC on almost all Linuxes and C libraries.

This unsigned 32 bit holds until 7. February 2106, which is far longer than the projected lifetime age of this library and of Raspberry Pi3s. (But who knows?) The value may be used for seconds-resolution, absolute (i.e. zone and DST independent) time-stamps and interval calculations (which will be incorrect with leap seconds).

Hint: Cyclic tasks get this value (.realSec) in their task date valid at tick start. Hence, this function is intended for asynchronous tasks or cyclic tasks with periods > 1s.

Since version R.110 we dare to fetch this value without lock, assuming ARMv7 32 bit load and stores being atomic.

◆ theCyclistStart()

int theCyclistStart ( int  startMsDelay)

Start the cycles handler.

This function initialises and then runs the predefined cycles cycles (as of Sept. 2020: 1ms, 10ms, 20ms, 100ms and 1s; see have1msCyc) when enabled.

Besides the absolute / monotonic times for the cycles it also initialises real time and timers handling.

Timers and cycles are run in an extra thread made by this function. And to be precise, the cycles are not run here; instead, cyclic events are generated and broadcast.

As the thread started by this function also provides monotonic and civil times and stamps it should be started with the program (i.e. earliest in main()). Preparation time before the cycles should start can be handled by the delay parameter.

As of September 2020 five cycles (see above) are defined and handled. It is strongly recommended not to use more than two of them and implement other cycles with multiple periods by sub-division. That means, e.g., do not enable the 20ms cycle when having the 10ms one.

startMsDelaynumber of ms before generating the first cyclic event; allowed range 12 .. 1200; default 1
0: after having initialised all and having made and started the cyclist thread; other values signal errors

◆ theCyclistWaitEnd()

int theCyclistWaitEnd ( )

Wait for the end of the cycles thread.

This function does so by unconditionally joining the cyclist thread.

the return value of thread join; 0: join OK

◆ endCyclist()

int endCyclist ( void  )

The cycles handler arrived.

This function cleans up after theCyclist. It should be called after theCyclist() ending successfully on commonRun false. The controller thread shall call this function after having joined and cleaned up all of its threads. It may also be put in an exit hook.

0: OK; else: a cycTaskDestroy() error

Variable Documentation

◆ parsResult

long int parsResult[]

Long array of length 14.

Prepared for non thread safe use with parse2Long()

◆ startRTime

timespec startRTime

Start time (structure, monotonic real time clock).

By initStartRTime() or by theCyclistStart() actRTime and this startRTime will initially be set. actRTime may be updated on demand, but startRTime should be left unchanged.

◆ actRTmTxt

char actRTmTxt[]

Actual broken down time (text).

            |-3|-  10  -|1|- 12     -|

The format is: Fr 2017-10-20 13:55:12.987 UTC+20 ................0123456789x123456789v123456789t1234 was Fr 2017-10-20 13:55:12 UTC+20 The length is 32.

◆ stmp23

char const* const stmp23

The current time as text.

/code The format is: 2017-10-20 13:55:12.987 UTC+20 ................0123456789x123456789v123456789 /endcode The length is 30.
Do NOT change the value provided by this pointer.

◆ stmpSec

uint32_t const* const stmpSec

The real time epoch seconds.

Do NOT change the value provided by this pointer.

◆ errorText

char errorText[182]

Common error text.

This text is set by genErrWithText() and hence indirectly by (many) other functions optionally generating error texts.

◆ commonRun

volatile uint8_t commonRun

Common boolean run flag for all threads.

When set false, all threads must exit as soon as possible. On any case, a thread has to exit and clean up on next signal. Setting commonRun false implies the end of the application/program and all of its threads as soon as possible.

Initialised as 1 (true) Set 0 by onSignalStop() (or application program)

◆ sigRec

volatile int sigRec

Storage for the signal (number) requesting exit.

Set by: onSignalStop()
See also: retCode

◆ allCycStart

timespec allCycStart

Common absolute / monotonic start time of all cycles.

May be considered as program's start time when cycles are started early by theCyclist. Normally not to be modified.

◆ have1msCyc

uint8_t have1msCyc

Flag to enable the 1ms cycle.

As a rule no more than two oft the cycles offered — cyc1ms, cyc10ms, cyc20ms, cyc100ms, cyc1sec — shall be enabled. This is no restriction as a faster cycle can easily (and often should) implement slower cycles by sub-division.

The default setting is 1ms and 100ms ON and all others OFF.
If other settings are used the flags should be set at the program's early initialisation phase and afterwards left untouched.

default: ON

See also
cycTask_t cyc1ms

◆ have10msCyc

uint8_t have10msCyc

Flag to enable the 10ms cycle.

default: OFF

See also
have1msCyc cycTask_t cyc10ms

◆ have20msCyc

uint8_t have20msCyc

Flag to enable the 20ms cycle.

default: OFF

See also
have1msCyc cycTask_t cyc20ms

◆ have100msCyc

uint8_t have100msCyc

Flag to enable the 100ms cycle.

default: ON

See also
have1msCyc cycTask_t cyc100ms

◆ have1secCyc

uint8_t have1secCyc

Flag to enable the 1s cycle.

default: OFF

See also
have1msCyc cycTask_t cyc1s