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sysBasic.c File Reference

Some system related basic functions for Raspberry Pis. More...

#include "sysBasic.h"


uint8_t errLogIsStd (void)
 Error log (errLog) is standard stream or outLog.
int formatDec2Digs (char *targTxt, uint32_t value)
 Format number as two digit decimal number with leading zeroes. More...
int formatDec3Digs (char *targTxt, uint32_t value)
 Format number as three digit decimal number with leading zeroes. More...
int formatTmTim (char *rTmTxt, struct tm *rTm)
 Format broken down real time and date as standard text. More...
int formatTmTiMs (char *rTmTxt, struct tm *rTm, int millis)
 Format broken down real time clock+ms as standard text. More...
uint8_t isFNaN (float const val)
 Floating point NaN. More...
uint8_t littleEndian ()
 Actual runtime / architecture is little endian. More...
void logEventText (char const *txt)
 Log an event/log message on outLog. More...
void monoTimeInit (timespec *timer)
 Absolute timer initialisation. More...
uint8_t outLogIsStd (void)
 Event log (outLog) is standard stream.
void printNamRevDat (void)
 Print the program name, SVN revision and date. More...
void printRevDat (void)
 Print the program SVN revision and date. More...
char const * progDat ()
 The program date. More...
char const * progNam ()
 The program name. More...
char const * progNamB ()
 The program name with blank. More...
uint8_t progNameLen ()
 The program's name length. More...
uint8_t progNameOutp ()
 The program's name was output. More...
char const * progRev ()
 The program revision. More...
size_t strlcat (char *dest, char const *src, size_t num)
 String concatenation with limit. More...
size_t strlcpy (char *dest, char const *src, size_t const num)
 String copy with limit. More...
int switchErrorLog (char const *const errFilNam)
 Switch errlog to other file. More...
int switchEventLog (char const *const logFilNam)
 Switch outLog to other file. More...
void timeAddNs (timespec *t1, long ns)
 Add a ns increment to a time overwriting it. More...
int timeStep (timespec *timeSp, unsigned int micros)
 A delay to an absolute step specified in number of ‹¨«s to a given time. More...
void updateReaLocalTime (void)
 Update local real time. More...


timespec actRTime
 Actual time (structure, real time clock).
struct tm actRTm
 Actual time (broken down structure / local). More...
float const cosDiY [192]
 Cosine of day in year, look up. More...
int16_t const cosDiY60 [192]
 Cosine of day in year * 60. More...
char const dec2digs [128][2]
 Format two digit decimal, leading zero, by lookup. More...
char const dec3digs [1024][4]
 Format three digit decimal, leading zero, 0-terminated, by lookup. More...
char const dow [9][4]
 English weekdays, two letter abbreviation. More...
FILE * errLog
 Error log output. More...
char const fType [16][8]
 Translation of directory entry typed to 8 char text. More...
char const *const lckPiGpioPth
 Common path to a lock file for GpIO use. More...
__time_t localMidnight
 Actual local midnight. More...
uint32_t noLgdEvnt
 Number of events logged. More...
FILE * outLog
 Event log output. More...
uint8_t progNamLen
 char progNamPure[] = PROGNAME;
int retCode
 Basic start-up function failure. More...
int todayInYear
 Today's day in year. More...
int useErrLogFiles
 Log on files. More...
uint8_t useOutLog4errLog
 Use outLog for errors too. More...
__time_t utcMidnight
 Actual (local) UTC midnight. More...
char const zif2charMod10 [44]
 The digits 0..9 repeated as 44 characters. More...

Detailed Description

Some system related basic functions for Raspberry Pis.

Copyright (c) 2020 Albrecht Weinert
weinert-automation.de a-weinert.de
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Revision history

Rev. 76 26.02.2025
Rev. 105 06.02.2018 : new (transfered parts from sysutil.c)
Rev. 108 12.02.2018 : parts moved out, one event file; Started to get
Doxygen usable. Note: Not yet done.
Rev. 147 16.06.2018 : time handling enhanced improved
Rev. 155 27.06.2018 : time handling debugged
Rev. 164 11.07.2018 : sunset/sunrise location parameters; string functions
Rev. 229 23.07.2020 : UTF 8 BOM for log and error file

cross-compile by:

arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -DMCU=BCM2837 -I./include -c -o weRasp/sysBasic.o weRasp/sysBasic.c

For documentation see the include file sysBasic.h

Function Documentation

◆ progNameOutp()

uint8_t progNameOutp ( )

The program's name was output.

This function returns a value not 0 if the programs name etc. was probably logged or output.

the programs name's length if output, 0 else

◆ progNameLen()

uint8_t progNameLen ( )

The program's name length.

This function determines the programs name's length and prepares the program strings if not yet done.

See also
progNam() progNamB() progRev() progDat()
the programs name's length

◆ progNam()

char const * progNam ( )

The program name.

the program's name as pure text, "homeDoorPhone", e.g.

◆ progNamB()

char const * progNamB ( )

The program name with blank.

Same as progNam but with at least one trailing blank or so many blanks to get a minimal length of 17, , "homeDoorPhone ", e.g.

the program's name with trailing blank(s)

◆ progRev()

char const * progRev ( )

The program revision.

the program's SVN revision as pure text, "0", "341" e.g.

◆ progDat()

char const * progDat ( )

The program date.

the program's SVN date "2020-07-23" e.g., length 10

◆ printRevDat()

void printRevDat ( void  )

Print the program SVN revision and date.

This function prints a line in the form (4 leading blanks)

Revision 229 (2020-07-23)

to outLog

◆ printNamRevDat()

void printNamRevDat ( void  )

Print the program name, SVN revision and date.

This function prints a line in the form (4 leading blanks)

theLittleProg R. 229 (2020-07-23)

to outLog

◆ isFNaN()

uint8_t isFNaN ( float const  val)

Floating point NaN.

valthe floating point value to be checked for IEEE754 NaN
0xFF (true) when not a number, else 0

◆ littleEndian()

uint8_t littleEndian ( )

Actual runtime / architecture is little endian.

This boolean function is evaluated by char* to int comparison.

To save runtime resources use the marco PLATFlittlE instead, which would fall back to littleEndian() (this function) when no target platform informations on endianness are available.

true when platform is little endian (evaluated at run time)

◆ switchErrorLog()

int switchErrorLog ( char const *const  errFilNam)

Switch errlog to other file.

errFilNamthe name of the file to switch to; NULL or empty: switch (back) to stderr
96 : file name can't be opened for append, old state kept; 97 : useOutLog4errLog is ON, nothing done 0 : OK

◆ switchEventLog()

int switchEventLog ( char const *const  logFilNam)

Switch outLog to other file.

If useOutLog4errLog is ON the errLog file will point to the same named file on success.

logFilNamthe name of the file to switch to; NULL or empty: switch (back) to stdout
96 : file name can't be opened for append; old state kept.

◆ logEventText()

void logEventText ( char const *  txt)

Log an event/log message on outLog.

If txt is not null it will be output to outLog and outLog will be flushed. No line feed will be appended; the text is put as is.

txttext to be output; n.b not LF appended and not counted as line

◆ monoTimeInit()

void monoTimeInit ( timespec timer)

Absolute timer initialisation.

This function sets the time structure provided to the current absolute monotonic ABS_MONOTIME (default: CLOCK_MONOTONIC).

Note: Error returns, suppressed here, cannot occur, as long as the time library functions and used clock IDs are implemented. Otherwise all else timing done here would fail completely.

timerthe time structure to be used (never NULL!)

◆ timeStep()

int timeStep ( timespec timeSp,
unsigned int  micros 

A delay to an absolute step specified in number of ‹¨«s to a given time.

This function does an absolute monotonic real time delay until timer += micros;

Chaining this calls can give absolute triggers relative to a given start. One must initialise the time structure timespec before every start of a new cycle chain. Afterwards the structure time must not be written to. See timeAddNs, ABS_MONOTIME and monoTimeInit (or clock_gettime).

Chaining absolute delays accomplishes long term exact periods respectively cycles. See also explanations in ABS_MONOTIME (default: CLOCK_MONOTONIC).

timeSpthe time structure to be used (never NULL!)
microsdelay in ‹¨«s (recommended 100‹¨«s .. 1h)
sleep's return value if of interest (0: uninterrupted)

◆ timeAddNs()

void timeAddNs ( timespec t1,
long  ns 

Add a ns increment to a time overwriting it.

t1the time structure to add to (not NULL!, will be modified)
nsthe increment in nanoseconds

◆ updateReaLocalTime()

void updateReaLocalTime ( void  )

Update local real time.

This function initialises / updates both actRTime and actRTm.

◆ strlcpy()

size_t strlcpy ( char *  dest,
char const *  src,
size_t const  num 

String copy with limit.

This function copies at most num - 1 characters from src to dst. If not terminated by a 0 from src, dest[num-1] will be set 0. Hence, except for num == 0, dest will be 0-terminated.

The value returned is the length of string src; if this value is not less than num truncation occurred.

Hint: This function resembles the one from bsd/string.h usually not available with standard Linuxes and Raspbians .

destthe character array to copy to; must not be shorter than num
srcthe string to copy from
numthe maximum allowed string length of dest
the length of src

◆ strlcat()

size_t strlcat ( char *  dest,
char const *  src,
size_t  num 

String concatenation with limit.

This function appends at most num - 1 characters from src to the end of dest. If not terminated by a 0 from src, dest[num-1] will be set 0. Hence, except for num == 0, dest will be 0-terminated.

The value returned is the length of string src (if no truncation occurred).

Hint: This function resembles the one from bsd/string.h usually not available with standard Linuxes and Raspbians .

destthe character array to copy to; must not be shorter than num
srcthe string to copy from
numthe maximum allowed string length of dest
the length of src

◆ formatDec2Digs()

int formatDec2Digs ( char *  targTxt,
uint32_t  value 

Format number as two digit decimal number with leading zeroes.

The format is: 00 to 99

The length is always 2. There is no trailing character zero appended.
returned is the number of leading zeroes in the range 0 o 1. N.B. the value 0 yielding "00" is considered to have one leading zero.

See also
dec2digs formatDec3Digs
targTxtpointer to the target text buffer, must have place for 3 characters (!)
valuethe value to be formatted; values outside 0 .. 999 will yield incorrect results
the number of leading zeroes (0 or 1)

◆ formatDec3Digs()

int formatDec3Digs ( char *  targTxt,
uint32_t  value 

Format number as three digit decimal number with leading zeroes.

The format is: 000 to 999

The length is always 3. There is no trailing character zero appended.
returned is the number of leading zeroes in the range 0 to 2. N.B. the value 0 yielding "000" is considered to have 2 leading zeroes.

See also
dec3digs formatDec2Digs
targTxtpointer to the target text buffer, must have place for 3 characters (!)
valuethe value to be formatted; values outside 0 .. 999 will yield incorrect results
the number of leading zeroes (0..2)

◆ formatTmTim()

int formatTmTim ( char *  rTmTxt,
struct tm *  rTm 

Format broken down real time and date as standard text.

The format is: Fr 2017-10-20 13:55:12 UTC+20 ................0123456789x123456789v123456789t The length is 29. See formatTmTiMs() for a longer format with 3 digit ms.

rTmTxtpointer to the target text buffer, must have place for 30 characters (!)
rTmpointer to broken down real time; NULL will take actRTm
the number of characters put (should be 28) or 0: error (rTmTxT NULL)

◆ formatTmTiMs()

int formatTmTiMs ( char *  rTmTxt,
struct tm *  rTm,
int  millis 

Format broken down real time clock+ms as standard text.

/code The format is: Fr 2017-10-20 13:55:12.987 UTC+20 ................0123456789x123456789v123456789t123 +3 ................0123456789x123456789v123456789t /endcode The length is 33. See formatTmTim() for a shorter format without ms.

rTmTxtpointer to the target text buffer, must have place for 34 characters (!)
rTmpointer to broken down real time; NULL will take actRTm
millismilliseconds 0..999 supplement to rTm
the number of characters put (should be 32) or 0: error (rTmTxT NULL)

Variable Documentation

◆ retCode

int retCode

Basic start-up function failure.

Allows for compact code without saving the (error) return:
if (openLock(lckPiGpioPth, ON)) return retCode;

Storage for return/error codes. Used by: openLock(char const *, uint8_t) theCyclistStart(int) theCyclistWaitEnd()

Value: 0: OK, else: error

◆ lckPiGpioPth

char const* const lckPiGpioPth

Common path to a lock file for GpIO use.

Programs using GPIO in any form usually (and forced by some libraries) have to do this exclusively. This is implemented here by locking a file named ~/bin/.lockPiGpio
Make the lock file by: touch /home/[user]/bin/.lockPiGpio or by touch ~/bin/.lockPiGpio

Without locking this file those programs must not start.
So, deleting this file inhibits the start even by cron etc.

◆ useErrLogFiles

int useErrLogFiles

Log on files.

If true (default) logging and errors go to files or one file, otherwise to console

◆ outLog

FILE* outLog

Event log output.

default: standard output; may be put to a file.

◆ noLgdEvnt

uint32_t noLgdEvnt

Number of events logged.

Counter for lines put to or events logged on outLog.

◆ useOutLog4errLog

uint8_t useOutLog4errLog

Use outLog for errors too.

When set true errLog will be set to outLog when using files. In this case there is just one event log file. Hence, doubling the same entry to both errLog and outLog should be avoided.

◆ errLog

FILE* errLog

Error log output.

default: standard error; may be put to a file.

◆ actRTm

struct tm actRTm

Actual time (broken down structure / local).

This structure is initialised may be updated by some timing and cyclic functions. See initStartRTime() and others.

◆ todayInYear

int todayInYear

Today's day in year.

The value should be set at start (will be by updateReaLocalTime()) and updated at midnight.

◆ utcMidnight

__time_t utcMidnight

Actual (local) UTC midnight.

This is the actual "local" UTC midnight. "Local" means that on early hours, i.e. those within zone offset, UTC midnight will be corrected to the next (east of Greenwich) respectively previous day (west). The rationale is to point to the same day or date at day time (around Europe).
Or, to put it simple, utcMidnight is to be set so, that the equation
      local Midnight = utcMidnight - UTCoffset

The value will will be set correctly by updateReaLocalTime(). It should be updated at day change (if used).

◆ localMidnight

__time_t localMidnight

Actual local midnight.

This is the UTC Linux timestamp of the actual day's / time's local midnight. See also utcMidnight for explanations.

Note: On days with DST changes this value will shift within the day. It's mostly better to make calculations relative to day start — sunrise and sunset e.g. — relative to UTC midnight.

◆ cosDiY

float const cosDiY[192]

Cosine of day in year, look up.

This lookup table provides the cosine by the day of the year without resource eating floating point arithmetic or math.h. The rationale is the approximate calculation of sunrise and sunset times based on earliest, latest and delta for any given location within the arctic circles.

The length of the look up table is abundant 192. According to cosine's periodic properties it shall be used in the range 0..183 by applying the following operations to the day in year value
absolute when < 0,
modulo 365 when >= 365 and
x = 365 - x when > 190.

Note: These rules are implemented in the function cosDay() and in the function cosDay60() using the look up table cosDiY60

◆ cosDiY60

int16_t const cosDiY60[192]

Cosine of day in year * 60.

This look up table is the same as cosDiY, except the values being multiplied by 60 which includes minutes to seconds conversion, avoiding a multiplication and all floating point operations for some applications.

lenght: 192

◆ dow

char const dow[9][4]

English weekdays, two letter abbreviation.

Monday (Mo) is 1; Sunday (Su) is 7 or, also, 0.

◆ dec2digs

char const dec2digs[128][2]

Format two digit decimal, leading zero, by lookup.

"00" .. "99" + "00", "_1" .. "_7"

◆ dec3digs

char const dec3digs[1024][4]

Format three digit decimal, leading zero, 0-terminated, by lookup.

"000" .. "999" + "000" .. "023"

◆ zif2charMod10

char const zif2charMod10[44]

The digits 0..9 repeated as 44 characters.

By using a number 0..43 as index this will give modulo 10 respectively the last decimal digit as character.

◆ fType

char const fType[16][8]

Translation of directory entry typed to 8 char text.

direntry.d_type as index in the range 0..15 gives an 8 character short type text. Note: Only 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 are defined d_type values. The undefined ones give undef3 .. undefF